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--the station with the largest listening audience in Sydney! All
this opposition was based on a false report from America, and it
now appears it has been cleared up, and we feel the opposition
probably will die down.
So the net result of this persecution, and organized effort
to stop God's Work, has been, as always, to PLUNGE THE WORK AHEAD
I am leaving for England right after sending you this letter
to make final preparations for starting the new college this fall.
I wonder if our Co-Workers realize how providentially our Leader,
Jesus Christ, is leading us in His glorious work.
As an example: in all England, so far as we can determine,
there is only the ONE place that meets all the requirements needed
for the new college--with classroom building, assembly hall,
studios, dormitory buildings (needing only slight alterations),
office buildings for the expanding work in England--and all of it
already built. Another thing, these buildings were constructed in
1925 and after--virtually NEW by British standards. There are
other country estates with one large mansion, but none has the
additional buildings and grounds we require, and all others we know
of are from 150 to 300 or more years old. And, best of all, we
were able to purchase this entire 30-acre campus and buildings for
a very small sum--only a fraction of what they cost.
Let me give you a further example of how Christ has guided us
in astonishing economy in conducting His work. When the college
started in Pasadena 13 years ago, we were not required to make even
a down payment on the original block of property. We first
occupied it on a lease and option basis. After 25 months the
rental was considered the down payment, and it then became a
purchase, the payments continuing to be the same amount as the
monthly rental. This gave us the library building, then used as
class-room, library, assembly and all-purpose building, beside a
two-story office building, and the garden theatre with its
Tempietto as a stage for an outdoor auditorium. But these rental
payments and purchase payments were LESS than we had been paying
for office rent in Eugene, Oregon, and charges for recording the
radio program. We set up our own radio studio in the Library
building, eliminating all these expenses. Actually, it REDUCED our
fixed monthly operating expenses by some $200 per month.
So you see, instead of extravagant expenses in starting the
college, we REDUCED expenses--in fact, were PAID $200 per month to
accept this property and use it!
Some two years later we were able to purchase the adjoining
property with its 28-room fine residence named "Mayfair." This
became a student residence, and the rentals collected from students
PAID FOR THE BUILDING. It is an income-producing property.
Actually, it cost US NOTHING.
The same is true of the several other buildings turned into
student residences. Later, after nine years, the most fabulous
building in Pasadena, adjoining our other properties, was purchased