United Kingdom!
But HOW could I, or any minister of Jesus Christ, proclaim
the Good News of God's coming KINGDOM, without mentioning Jesus
Christ and His Second Coming to set up and rule that Kingdom as
KING of kings? HOW can I obey the Scriptural COMMAND: "Preach the
WORD" if I never read or quote the WORD?
Remember, dear Co-Workers, this is no criticism of CBS.
Their policy is the one which, from their viewpoint, is right, fair
to religion and in the public interest.
There may be some satisfaction in knowing that The WORLD
TOMORROW is rated by top executives of CBS as the caliber of
program that is acceptable and desirable for broadcast on that
leading Network--provided only that we make it non-religious.
However, our only mission and purpose is to proclaim the advance
GOOD NEWS (Gospel) of the soon-coming KINGDOM OF GOD!
We are left, for the present, without a super-strong VOICE in
the Chicago area. But this is THE WORK OF GOD. Jesus Christ came
to earth to start this work over 1900 years ago. He is ALIVE
today, and very active as the HEAD of this great work, directing it
from high heaven, opening doors, working out circumstances. It is
only a matter of time until Christ either opens another super-power
station in Chicago--or else re-opens WLS. Don't think it
impossible. ALL THINGS are possible with God!
Just recently 50,000-watt stations have opened to us in
Seattle, Houston, Atlanta, and Miami, and another in Dallas, Texas,
where a 10,000-watt station is to increase its power to 50,000 in
September--and we are adding it to WFAA.
As a whole, God's work is simply LEAPING ahead!
Last fall the door opened for broadcasting on many stations,
coast to coast in Australia, EVERY NIGHT, six nights a week. A
month later we opened offices in Sydney, Australia, leaving two men
there. About six weeks later we had to send a third man from
Pasadena. Soon our manager there was forced to employ about four
local people for the office. Then came an SOS telegram for more
trained help from Pasadena. Immediately we sent a young man and
wife--both Ambassador College students. On the heels of this, they
were forced to double the office space in Sydney. And now we are
having to send, from Pasadena, a newly-ordained minister who just
graduated from Ambassador College.
In addition to the Radio broadcasts six nights a week, we are
SHOUTING God's Message to all Australia in two full pages of
advertising space every issue in Readers Digest--in both the
Australian and New Zealand editions. This is sending a tremendous
IMPACT over all Australia.
This very impact of power has raised pressure groups against
Christ's Message. Very POWERFUL pressure has been exerted to force
us off the station we are using in Sydney. This very opposition
resulted in opening up time for us on a still higher-rated station