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and bounds from here on! Our time is SHORT!
I am telling you--and I have reason to KNOW, both by
conditions I have SEEN are shaping and partly already exist, and
prophecy--that in a short time any MONEY you may have will be
utterly WORTHLESS to you. In the terrible times that lie ahead of
us now, MONEY will be no security. Your only security will be the
protection of GOD. That can't be bought with money, but certainly
God will reward the FAITHFUL STEWARD, and the unfaithful surely
will be CUT OFF from God! This is not my work--it isn't even OUR
work--it is GOD'S precious work. It must not fail! It's in DIRE
NEED--and it is YOUR responsibility, before God, to SUPPLY THAT
NEED, by ANY SACRIFICE POSSIBLE! Please PRAY over it! I'm doing
my very utmost. Are you doing YOURS?
May I now tell you of just a few personal experiences of
this trip.
When I arrived in Minneapolis, on the way East among the
letters forwarded from our office in Eugene was one from a young
man in a city I was scheduled to pass through. He wants above
all else to be a real Spirit-led Christian. He was so determined
to have my help he had planned to come clear to the Coast, to
Eugene if necessary, to see me. I believe we found the source of
his trouble, and the cure. What a privilege and blessing to be of
any service.
In Providence, Rhode Island, is a little group of God's
sincere people with whom we have had contact for several years.
Learning I would be in the East, they invited me by mail to stop
and have a service with them, saying they longed to see and have
fellowship with one for whom they have prayed daily for so long.
We had a wonderful meeting and fellowship together, starting at
lunch and lasting through the afternoon. It was a very great
privilege, and proved inspiration to me. God bless the "little
flock" scattered abroad!
Among the many letters received recently from listeners
asking help in finding the way to Christ and becoming Christians,
was one from a man near Hutchinson, Kansas. His letter showed he
had given his heart not only, but his life, over to God--that he
was one of the truly CALLED, and wanted to be baptized. I only
wish it were possible to visit personally EVERYONE who writes such
a letter. Ordinarily it is simply impossible, but in this case I
happened to be passing very close to Hutchinson, at a time when I
could spare a half-day on my schedule. So I wrote that I would
come and when. I was met at the train late in the afternoon, and
driven out to the farm home of this brother. We opened our Bibles,
and I answered his and his wife's questions, and explained many
subjects until near midnight. Next morning early we found a spot
in the rather shallow Arkansas river deep enough for baptism, and
both of them were baptized, after which they drove me to Wichita in
time to catch the streamliner for San Antonio and Los Angeles.
These experiences have enriched this trip. I wish I