trained, fully prepared in ability, in experience, and in under-
standing of the TRUTH and in true Spirit-led Christian experience.
I need these two men badly, to devote full time in the office in
this work. The work MUST have them if The PLAIN TRUTH is to come
out monthly, as it should. But we simply do not as yet have
sufficient income to add these valuable men to the staff.
Point number 1 in our new policy is that regardless of
all handicaps, The PLAIN TRUTH must, from now on, come out oftener
--at least every 60 days. I intend with God's help to see that the
material is prepared, the articles written--that all my part of it
is done. It's going to take the greatest, most determined effort
of my life, because it will be a TASK. I am trying to carry a far
heavier load than our Co-workers have realized. But with God all
things are possible, and I shall look to Him for added strength and
He will not fail me--He never has!
The rest of it depends upon YOU--our co-workers. It
means The PLAIN TRUTH expense, alone, will now run about $600 a
month--and it is rapidly GROWING all the time--in addition to the
very heavy cost of broadcasting over nine powerful stations, and
the necessary office expense (which, as I mentioned, is about a
third of what any commercial business magazine would spend for
publishing the magazine alone). I intend to devote myself more
than ever before to The PLAIN TRUTH.
Point number 2 in our new policy: Since the trend seems
to be to discontinue broadcasting religious programs on the larger
stations and networks, it follows that even if we were able to put
the program on more super-power stations now, it is only a matter
of time until they would cancel or refuse to renew a contract. I
shall now work toward adding a larger number of medium-powered
stations--stations of from 1,000 to 5,000 watts of power, in the
proper population centers--and to do this through a system of
sectional networks, as described above. There is one exception to
this policy. In developing the work to greater national power, I
feel we should add, just as quickly as possible, more of the 50,000
watt clear-channel stations now open to us, and then from there to
fill in with the more intense local coverage of a larger number of
regional network stations.
Point number 3 in our policy will be to issue, just as
soon as I can find time to write the material, seven series of
special Bible-study articles, consisting of seven lessons, or
articles, to each series. These will carry those interested
through a complete course of Bible study and understanding. They
will bring you the TRUTH on most of the important subjects of the
Bible. Rather than prepare these lessons in the usual dry STUDY-
form, I wish to write them in an interesting, plain and simple
article form, like articles in The PLAIN TRUTH. These will not be
announced over the air, but only in The PLAIN TRUTH.
Now may I have your fullest co-operation in this great
new program? The Devil is working feverishly to close the doors to
God's Truth, and is succeeding in some directions. But God is
still keeping OTHER doors open. His work must go marching ON! We
cannot lay down and quit--the work must grow and multiply by leaps