Finally brethren don't forget that our Heavenly Father has
COMMANDED all of us to attend these annual Holy Days for our own
GOOD, and our vital spiritual growth! It is a vital part of our
Christian life, to be constantly kept in remembrance of God's great
PLAN He is working out here below. The Passover shows the
tremendous PRICE that was paid in our stead---the very life and the
body of Jesus Christ, that our sins might be forgiven! The Days of
Unleavened Bread show the putting out of SIN from our lives! Those
who have been privileged to attend God's Holy Days in the past have
said it is truly a wonderful time of rejoicing and spiritual
feasting to be able to hear the inspired sermons, to attend the
Bible Studies, to have personal contact and fellowship with God's
ministers and His flock scattered abroad!
It is truly one of the most wonderful experiences in a
Christian's life! So MAKE EVERY POSSIBLE EFFORT to come---and
then, if it is NOT possible, and God knows each case, you may find
it necessary to observe this most sacred service in your own home.
Remember, however, that no one who has not been baptized, and has
not really SURRENDERED to God in complete repentance should partake
of the Passover! If you find it impossible to attend the festival
either at Gladewater, at Lyons, or at one of the Local Churches,
then write me IMMEDIATELY for instructions on HOW TO TAKE THE
We are hoping to see most of you, however, at the big
tabernacle in Texas. May God bless and protect each one of you!
ONE PARTING POINT! It seems God's people sometimes GET
CARELESS, and nearly every year we have to hear of some accident
that has occurred, which INJURES someone who is a member of God's
call upon all of you in the name or Jesus Christ as God's Apostle,
and your Minister, BE CAREFUL!
Some have perhaps assumed that nothing can happen to God's
people---that God will supernaturally intervene and prevent any
accident, regardless of HOW careless we get! This is simply NOT
TRUE! God expects us to DO OUR PART! Be extremely CAREFUL coming
to the Passover! DO NOT DRIVE WHEN YOU'RE SLEEPY! Finally, I am
going to pray, and I want to call on ALL OF YOU TO PRAY that God
will protect His people---and somehow impress it on their mind's
that they must use great care in driving on today's dangerous
It will be a terrible thing if I am forced to announce that
one of our own brethren has been killed or badly injured in an
automobile accident! So please---be careful!
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong