Eugene, Oregon; Fresno and San Diego, California. Other local
Churches will be meeting at one of the larger central areas.
Each year, there are a number of new members who have not
been able to attend meetings at the tabernacle before. For their
benefit, as well as for others who may need additional information,
these special instructions are included.
Meals will be served, as usual, at cost, at the tabernacle.
You must obtain your own motel or hotel reservations beforehand, as
has always been done. Accommodations may be somewhat difficult to
find this time of the year, because we are expecting a larger than
ever attendance at the tabernacle. There are a few cabins located
near the grounds, called "Tucker's Cabins," which are owned and
operated by the owners of the small cafe and filling station at the
entrance to the tabernacle grounds. There are motels in Gladewater
along the highway, and also many motels between Gladewater and
Longview, a city several miles further east. There are some nice
motels in and near Greggton, a small town midway between Gladewater
and Longview. Also, there is, in addition to several large motels
near Longview, a large hotel. These accommodations near Longview
are located about 20 miles from the tabernacle, however, and so
would necessitate a good deal of driving back and forth.
The better motels, first-class, cost from about five to eight
dollars per day for two people, with one dollar being added for
each additional person as a usual procedure. Other cabins and
motels are available for less, however. Hotel Longview rates, a
strictly first-class hotel, are from four to six dollars single and
six to eight dollars double. I STRONGLY ADVISE PLANNING TO ARRIVE
EARLY so you can find adequate sleeping accommodations. We have no
facilities for making reservations for you, so try to make them
immediately if you have not done so already.
highway #80, about 8 miles west of Gladewater, and 2 miles east of
Big Sandy. It is approximately 100 miles east of Dallas on highway
#80. Highway 80 is the main east-west highway from the East to
Dallas and toward the West, so those of you who have not been to
the tabernacle before should be able to find it without difficulty.
Beside a combination filling station and cafe (already
mentioned) on the north side of highway 80, you will see our sign
"Private Grounds, Radio Church of God Tabernacle." Turn in at the
sign, and follow the road straight back until you arrive at the
tabernacle building, which is secluded in a forest area.
Those who come by train or bus can get taxi service at
Gladewater, and possibly at Big Sandy, or, if coming by bus, it is
possible the driver would let you off right at the grounds, though
it would be better to go first to a hotel in Gladewater or Big
Sandy, making sure of your place to stay before you go to the
tabernacle. An evening meal, will be served at the tabernacle at
5:00 P.M. on the 3rd of April, just prior to the Passover services.