is SHORT, and growing shorter FAST. We simply can't hold the Feast
of Tabernacles next fall unless we complete this new Tabernacle.
GOD COMMANDS US TO HOLD IT! I cannot ask Co-Workers who are not
yet members for special offerings for this tabernacle. WE WHO ARE
With love in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
January 12, 1958
P.S. - Even since the above was set in type, I must add this
IMPORTANT P.S. At the local church here yesterday, I was moved to
pledge a special, additional $100 per month to this building fund
which Mrs. Armstrong and I had planned to be able, at last, after
all these years, to lay aside for any future "rainy day" in our own
lives or those of our children. We have never yet been able to lay
aside any personal savings for ourselves. Our home is all we have
in this world. If God took my life there would be nothing for Mrs.
Armstrong, except what she herself could earn.
The visiting ministers are all here. Mr. Kenneth Swisher,
pastor of the churches at Gladewater tabernacle and at Minden, La.,
preached. In relation to this Tabernacle fund, he told of his
experience in the war. His company was told to dig foxholes.
Their officer instructed them the foxholes must be narrow
and deep enough so that when an enemy tank rolled over them, the
men in the foxholes would not be mangled and crushed to death.
"And," snapped out the officer, "to test your foxholes, we are
going to drive our own tank over them, with you in them."
The boys didn't take this threatened test seriously. The
ground was mostly rock,--very difficult digging. They "griped",
loafed on the job.
Suddenly they looked up and saw the tanks coming!
Frantically they began to dig down deeper! BRETHREN, not only the
enemy tanks, but HYDROGEN BOMBS are coming OUR WAY mighty soon.
Our only protection is GOD! And God says now to us: "DIG DOWN