emphatically refused, and you have never heard any begging for
money on The WORLD TOMORROW program.
So now, to answer some of the questions quoted at the
beginning of this letter: "WHAT DENOMINATION?" The answer is, this
is GOD'S work---not ours. It is NOT DENOMINATIONAL. When Jesus
was on earth there were the various sects and denominations among
the Jews. But Jesus joined none of them. He said, "I will build
MY Church." He called His followers to come OUT of the man-
organized religious denominations. HIS Church is HIS BODY---that
spiritual organism which consists of ALL those who have completely
repented, accepted Christ, received His Spirit and now are being
LED BY God's Holy Spirit. Just as GOD started His Church by the
work GOD did in and thru the individual body of Jesus, over 1900
years ago, so He carries it on today thru that collective BODY in
which dwells and works the SAME HOLY SPIRIT that actuated Jesus.
"HOW IS THIS WORK FINANCED?" It is GOD'S work, and we
TRUST HIM to finance it. Of course God does not rain down $5 bills
or thousand-dollar bills thru the air. But God is Creator and
owner of the earth and all that therein is---its silver and gold,
He says, are HIS. And God Has ordained the tithing system,
retaining the first tenth of all income as HIS---HOLY to Him for
HIS work, and also the giving of free will-offerings. God's work
is financed by God's own system---the honest tithes and free-will
offerings of His people, and those whose hearts HE makes willing
voluntarily to give to HIM.
Specifically, our method of applying God's principle is
this: We do not ask or beg the public for money---We ASK OF GOD, IN
BELIEVING PRAYER. We GIVE, freely, of the Gospel over the air and
in print. No one is ever solicited, directly or indirectly for
money unless and until offerings or tithes have been sent in,
voluntarily, at least twice within a six-month period. Then if the
tone of the letter indicates the writer desires to have regular
part in supporting God's work, he or she is put on our "Co-Worker
mailing list." A letter is then sent, explaining this. Jesus
said: "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
From this word of Jesus we assume that one whose treasure has been
placed in God's work twice in six months must have his or her heart
in God's work. To those on this special "Co-Worker" mailing list
I send my regular "Co-Worker" letters, usually once a month, giving
them inside information on the progress of the work---its plans for
the future, its problems. And, when necessary (which seems to be
most of the time), I tell them of its financial NEED---even as
Moses and the Apostle Paul, under God's inspiration, set the
example. But all appeals for money are confined to this inner
special "Co-Worker list" composed of those who have indicated
voluntarily that they desire to be a Co-Worker with Christ in His
glorious work.
That is WHY most of you have never heard any request for
money on The WORLD TOMORROW, The PLAIN TRUTH, nor any way in the
mail, regardless of how many times you may have written to request
free literature. Many have written me to ask: "Would I be
permitted to send you an offering for God's work? or, "Would you be
offended if I sent money for the support of the work?" Well, I
believe I have given you a frank and honest answer---most certainly
everyone is permitted to have part in God's work, and we most
assuredly are not offended by it---but we still ask GOD, in
believing prayer, and not YOU, unless or until we know you are