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Paul wrote to those at Galatia, so I certify to you, that the
Gospel which is preached of me is not after man, for I neither
received it of man, neither was I taught it but BY THE REVELATION
OF JESUS CHRIST. When it pleased God, who called me by His grace,
to reveal His Son in me that I might preach Him to the world,
immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood (men), neither
went I to any sect or denomination or human theologian, but I went
directly to the WORD OF GOD, on my knees, surrendered, to be
taught, corrected, reproved and instructed in God's righteousness
and TRUTH. (Compare Gal. 1:11-18).
When God starts anything thru His called HUMAN servants, it
always must begin as the very smallest and, like the grain of
mustard seed, GROW large and great thru God's power! And so this
world-wide program, now reaching around the earth, changing
thousands of precious lives, started out as the very smallest
possible activity. It started with nightly meetings in one-room
country school houses. Then the first Sunday in 1934 God opened a
tiny, very small DOOR---the door of RADIO.
It started on one little local station in Eugene, Oregon,
of the smallest power of any commercial radio station---100 watts!
It has never missed a Sunday since, and now is heard around the
world, and DAILY over most of the United States. That original 100
watts of radio power per week has grown to more than FOUR MILLION
watts per week!
This great work of God, proclaiming Christ's true GOSPEL to
the world, has never been backed, financed, sponsored, endowed or
controlled in any way by any denomination or organization of men.
I was ordained in the summer of 1931 in what I then believed to be
the true Church of GOD, and employed as an evangelist on the small
salary of $20 per week. But by the fall of 1933 I learned by sad
experience that I could not continue to receive a salary (at that
mid-depression time only $3 per week) from MEN unless I would serve
those MEN and preach what they demanded. At that time I was
ordered to quit baptizing converts as GOD'S WORD instructs, and do
it as my employers demanded.
Mrs. Armstrong stood firmly with me in thereupon renouncing
their salary. We learned that if we were to serve and obey GOD, we
would have to let GOD be our employer and we should have to look to
HIM, in living faith, for material compensation. He says "the
servant is worthy of his hire." We had to trust Him to send it to
From that very day we have looked solely to GOD to keep His
inspired written promises to supply our every need. More people
would believe in miracles, and see them happen, if they had the
courage and faith to really BELIEVE God and take Him at His word!
Once we had to have a dime, with absolutely no way to get it except
to go into a small room, close the door, and ask God in faith to
send it. That time I quoted the 70th Psalm---claimed it as God's
PROMISE to "make no tarrying," but to hasten. In less than three
minutes that dime was SENT to our house! Sometimes, now, we have
to have $15,000, or $40,000 or other large sums within a certain
time limit---and if it is a real NEED, God always sends it!
We have never asked for money on the air. When we went on
the ABC radio Network Coast to Coast, our advertising agency
pressured us to permit the Network announcer to make the statement
which the Network permits: "You are invited to send your gifts and
free-will offerings for the support of this program." But we