Page 7 - Church of God Publications

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Under the three-point campaign started by the editor the first
of last year---including the radio campaign, the Plain Truth
magazine, and the evangelistic campaigns, this work continues to
We have received about as many letters at the radio studio,
from listeners, during the first three months of this year as were
received all of last year. This mail indicates the radio audience
has almost doubled since last Summer, and now about 8,000 to 10,000
people are in the large invisible audience every Sunday. For the
past seven weeks we have been preaching on God's Holy Law.
The current issue of The Plain Truth is the largest ever
issued, and goes out to about 200 new homes.
The editor plans to open a new evangelistic campaign within a
few days, in either Springfield, where we have a large radio
following, or at Clear Lake school house, near Alvadore. Please
PRAY, very earnestly, for this campaign.
Tithes and offerings to keep this big campaign, now reaching
many thousands, going, have slowed up considerably the past two
months, and this whole campaign will have to stop unless the
brethren come quickly to the rescue. GOD HAS BLESSED THIS WORK
with the largest harvest ever experienced in Oregon. Shall we
let a work thus approved of God stop?
The March all-day meeting, held the 30th at Harrisburg, was
blessed with the largest attendance ever enjoyed there.
The April meeting will be held at Alvadore, our newest church
being host for the second time. It is hoped to break all
attendance records. The meeting starts at 10: A.M., April 27th.
Everyone COME!
"Dear Readers, and all saints scattered abroad:
"Grace be unto you and peace from God your Father and from
the Lord Jesus Christ.
"I praise God for having given me victory over sin and the
longer I serve God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the more I can
appreciate the great sacrifice His beloved Son has made for us on
the cross. We can show our appreciation to Christ to the
greatest extent by our every-day living. Christ said we are to
be followers of Him, and to walk in His steps; and as we stop to
think and examine ourselves, how many times have we fallen short?
"Since accepting Him, we have gotten beside HIS path, and
into rough paths before we knew it. Dear readers, when we
realize that we are not as earnest and sincere, after some time
in our Christian walk, and have taken liberty in the flesh, which
lusteth against the Spirit, we must go back in an humble manner
and pick up our cross where we left it.
"Now one may say 'if the Son therefore shall make you free
ye shall be free indeed.' Yes, praise God. He is able to make us
FREE from our sins, but it does not give us freedom to fulfil the
lusts of the flesh. Read Paul's instruction in Gal. 5:13,19,21.
"Let us not permit the devil to hinder us, but do as Paul
said in Phil. 3:13,14. Satan will tempt in our weakest points,