---Day of Atonement.)
Since all these annual Sabbath days were commanded to be kept
FOREVER, and since I Cor. 5:8 commands the NEW Testament Church
to KEEP the coming annual "high day" Sabbath, or "feast," and
under Paul's supervision DID observe them, WE SHOULD DO IT NOW!
The fact that some of us have not "seen" this in the past will
not excuse us before such plain instruction in the Bible, any
more than the fact that Sunday people never kept the Sabbath or
"saw" it in the past will justify them in continuing in profaning
the weekly Sabbath, after the light of God's Word has come. Let
US be as honest as we think others should be!
Many have believed Col. 2:16 abolishes the annual Sabbaths,
but it does not. The "Sabbaths" here spoken of are the WEEKLY
Sabbaths! Honestly study those texts, describing the MEAT AND
DRINK OFFERINGS held ON THE annual sabbaths, monthly new moons,
and weekly Sabbaths: Nu. 28:3-4,9-10,11,16-17; 26-27; Nu. 29:1-2;
7-9;12-14; Then I Chron. 23:31; II Chron 2:4; 8:13; 31:3; Neh.
10:33; Ezek. 45:17; Col 2:17. You will see that ALL these texts
speak of the MEAT AND DRINK OFFERINGS held ON the annual, the
monthly, and the weekly days. Now notice marginal reference for
word "respect" in Col 2:16. It says "part." The Greek word is
"morei" and lexicons define it as "sacrificial meat part." So
this text is only abolishing MEAT AND DRINK ORDINANCES held on
these days.
Let us praise God for the TRUTH! Let all the brethren put all
leaven out of their houses beginning Wednesday evening, April
17th, until sunset Wednesday April 24th. Let all cease work on
the two "high" Sabbaths, Thursday April 18th, and Wednesday April
24th, beginning sunset the night before.
Many have not done this in the past. It is hoped all will be
DOERS of this truth not profaning ANY of God's HOLY DAYS!
Elder Ed Severson, from Oklahoma, has moved with his family to
Oregon to take up evangelistic work in northern Oregon and
Washington, especially among the Scandinavian people of that
Elder Severson has spoken at all-day meetings held at
Alvadore, February 9th, the day after his arrival, and at Jeans
February 23, and at Harrisburg March 30, so most of the brethren
of the state have been privileged to hear him.
At the present Brother Severson is conducting a meeting at
Ingram Island school house, about two miles north-west of Noraton
school, and between Harrisburg and Monroe. Good interest is
We ask all the brethren to pray earnestly for the success of
his effort there, that many will be led into Christ and into the
whole truth of the Word of God.
We praise God for the harvest He has given in the Eugene
sector, where three new churches have been raised up, nearly
altogether of new members, during the past eighteen months.