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advertising agency, to begin a campaign of Gospel messages thru the
mass circulation London newspapers. Those papers publish around 5
million copies of their paper DAILY, circulated nationally all thru
the British Isles. Perhaps 10 to 15 million people read each
paper. There is no newspaper in the United States with such huge,
mass circulations. We plan to purchase advertising space, and then
place in that space a Gospel Message, about like an article in The
PLAIN TRUTH, but reduced to fewer words. We hope to get this
campaign under way later this year. This, along with the broadcast
over Radio Luxembourg, will attract the attention and arouse the
interest to create audiences for the evangelistic meetings in the
various cities, when we are prepared to start them.
And now---ON TO SOUTH AMERICA! The one great continent
we have so far not reached at all is South America. People in
South America do not understand English. Most of them speak
Spanish---those in Brazil, Portuguese. Also Central America and
Mexico are Spanish-speaking countries.
I have just received a letter from our Professor of
Spanish at Ambassador College, Mr. Benjamin Rea, informing me that
my younger son, Garner Ted Armstrong, is now sufficiently advanced
in his study of the Spanish language to be ready for at least
15-minute broadcasts. Ted speaks Spanish just as natives of South
America do---without any "foreign" accent, and very fluently. Our
Spanish department at the college has now completed the translation
of nearly all our booklets into Spanish. As soon as these can be
printed, I now plan to put Ted on the air, in Spanish, on a large
South American radio net-work. I hope to complete arrangements for
this with our over-seas advertising agency in New York, on our
return to America. God's time has come to REACH SOUTH AMERICA!
Yes, Co-Workers, God is moving His work at a rapid clip!
Work is fast progressing in the translation of our
booklets into German. As soon as this is completed, we hope to be
ready at last to put Herman L. Hoeh, Executive Editor of The Plain
Truth, and Acting Dean of Ambassador College, on a special German-
language program on RADIO LUXEMBOURG, listened to by the German
As soon as the translation of our literature into FRENCH
is completed, and booklets printed in French, we shall be ready at
last to put my elder son Richard David Armstrong on the FRENCH-
language band of Radio Luxembourg, which has a bigger listening
audience in France than their own national net-work. These men all
speak these languages fluently, without foreign accent.
And now, last but far from least: I have just received
a cablegram from our United States advertising agency stating that
the super-power ABC Network radio station, WABC, New York, has at
last offered to us availabilities for a half-hour broadcast EVERY
NIGHT. I have wired back for details as to time and cost. If
these are right, we shall put the program immediately into this
condensed, thickly-populated New York-Philadelphia-Boston area for
EVERY NIGHT broadcasting immediately.
Already we cover all the rest of the eastern part of the