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up, but that cannot be done more than once a week.
These meetings are already proving what an EVERY NIGHT
message does---how much more interested people become when they
have their WHOLE thought and attention on God's truth, hearing it
every night. Back in Oregon and Washington, in the early years of
this work, we were on radio only once a week. BUT I was then
holding evangelistic meetings EVERY NIGHT in first one city, and
then another---year after year---and it was these every-night
meetings, following up the radio (which aroused the interest and
caused people to attend), that really changed people's hearts and
lives, and built the work.
There is only one medium open to us for reaching the
people EFFECTIVELY, and intensively, in the British Isles---
personally-conducted evangelistic meetings every night, such as we
are holding right now here in London. We must, in a very few
years, have at least three to five teams of evangelists, two men to
a team, to devote their ENTIRE TIME to conducting evangelistic
campaigns in from three to five different cities at a time---
meetings to last not less than 6 weeks, and perhaps as long as
three months in one city---then move on to another city.
We must have competent, consecrated, God-called and God-
empowered-and-used evangelists with the personality and speaking
power to hold large audiences, and move men with the MESSAGE that
CHRIST brought, but which men rejected. Today we have perhaps
seven men who, with one or two more years' experience in NIGHTLY
preaching in such campaigns, could fill that bill. BUT these men
are every one tied down to a certain post and full-time duty from
which I cannot release them. Only ONE of these men is available
for use over here in Britain.
We have more promising men coming along in Ambassador
College---but FAR FROM ENOUGH. The harvest is PLENTEOUS---the
laborers TOO FEW! Therefore God commands YOU, to PRAY to the Lord
of the Harvest to send forth more laborers---more young men of
personality and ability, whom God has called, to enter Ambassador
College, that they may be trained to become evangelists of real
We are now on a national radio net-work in Australia.
The very first broadcast in Australia has brought in some 45
letters, requesting literature or The PLAIN TRUTH. We are
receiving a good mail every week from the broadcast in South
Africa, and also from Radio Ceylon.
Soon---within a year or so---we shall have to establish
additional branch offices in Australia, and in South Africa to
answer the letters from listeners, and to mail to them promptly the
literature requested. As it is now, radio listeners in those
far-flung nations, half way around the world, have to wait many
weeks to receive the magazine or requested literature. In another
two years we ought to have teams of evangelists holding dynamic
series of every-night meetings in those countries.
Plans are now under way here in London. with our London