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Unless GOD builds the house, they labor in vain that
build it. Whatsoever God has not built, shall be TORN DOWN and
destroyed. God is not building this nation "Israel." This is NOT
the prophesied return of Israel and Judah, weeping, repentant, and
SEEKING their God!
As I told the secretary of the Zionist movement in New
York in 1946, they are getting ahead of God, taking things in their
own hands, and only stirring up WORLD TROUBLE! Here is an example
of a tremendous burst of HUMAN ENERGY, HOPE, and accomplishment,
that shall ALL COME TO NAUGHT! The "BEAST" now taking form and
soon to rise up out of an alliance of ten nations in Europe will
overrun this land, and seize it from the Jews. What a pity! But
WHAT a glorious land it will become, WHEN God's time comes, and
CHRIST sets His hand to rebuild that land!---in The WORLD TOMORROW!
We also drove down to Ashkelon, now nothing but total
DESOLATION, and RUIN. They defied God. Their proud efforts went
for nothing. We drove also past Ashdod, which continued to exist
until 1948, but it was inhabited by Arabs who fought the Jews, and
were driven out---and Ashdod seems now to be rather desolate. We
also drove over to Ekron, ancient seat of the "god of flies,"
Baalzebub, the patron diety of medicine. It is now inhabited by
Yemenite Jews, and many children came running to get into the
moving pictures I was taking, so perhaps you may see them some day
on TV.
From Tel Aviv, we flew to Istanbul, Turkey, which is the
former city of Constantinople. The Turks are westernizing. We did
not see a single Fez---it is now illegal to wear one. This city
sits astride the Bosporus, which is the narrow strip of water, the
width of a good sized river, that divides Europe from Asia, and the
ONLY outlet for Russia to the warm-water sea lanes of the world.
We took a boat trip up the Bosporus to a point within sight of the
Black Sea, the north shore of which forms the south boundary of
Russia. We saw the mines all across the Bosporus, to keep out
Russian naval ships and subs. This, too, is a spot to figure very
soon in prophecy. This is the spot where Turkey will double-cross
Britain and America, and many thousands of our boys will be killed
as a result---but probably by the European Fascist "BEAST" and not
by the Russians.
We next flew to Athens, where we saw the dead and dismal
remains of the once-proud Grecian civilization. I photographed the
ruins of the old market place where the Apostle Paul expounded the
Gospel of the GOVERNMENT OF GOD, and of Mars Hill, just above,
where Paul told the Greek philosophers they were too superstitious
in their religion, and also of the Acropolis. From Athens we flew
on to Rome, which now took on new meaning after having been thru
all these Bible lands, though we had been to Rome before.
We went again thru the Vatican Museum, and for the first
time visited the Vatican Treasury, where the great Triple Crown is
kept, and a large portion of the Vatican jewels, precious stones,
and ornate robes---in fact, their riches of "gold, and silver, and