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on the Mediterranean. Elijah lived on Mt. Carmel, and it was there
that the dramatic episode of I Kings 18:17-40 occurred, where
Elijah called the fire down from heaven, exposed and slew all the
priests of Baal.
On our return down the Mediterranean coast to Tel Aviv,
we visited one of the Jewish Hadassah farm-schools for children
---certainly a revelation. There they teach children self-
reliance and initiative, agriculture, and ordinary school subjects.
Then we visited one of the many communal farms the Jews have
established in their new nation. Each of these farms is a separate
community, where all things are shared in common. Nearly all the
agricultural lands of the nation are farmed in this manner. It's
a new kind of life, but it seems to be working, and the farms are
very productive, farmed by the most advanced methods. The soil,
where they now irrigate or get rain, in these valleys and coast-
lands of Palestine is just about the richest soil we have ever seen
---and don't forget Mrs. Armstrong and I were both born and reared
in IOWA! When Palestine is finally restored under CHRIST, with His
blessing, after His return, it will become the MOST WONDERFUL, the
RICHEST, the MOST PLEASANT to live in, that we have seen in all the
world. The climate is a good deal similar to that of Southern
California, but the soil is now richer and blacker. It is replete
with hills which shall once again become wooded (now mostly
barren). The beaches along the Mediterranean are simply PERFECT
for relaxation and enjoyment.
Yes, this is the land God has chosen, of all His earth
which He created, but because of the rebellion and pollutions of
mankind that land has been for many centuries under a CURSE---and
still is.
In Haifa they were having an industrial fair, displaying
the products of the new nation's agriculture and industry. We were
amazed at the progress already made in manufacturing---almost every
conceivable item needed for the living of the people. All over
this new nation "Israel" we saw vigorous industry, ambition,
energy, PROGRESS in the material sense. The people are spurred on
with terrific zeal in building their nation once again in what they
consider THEIR homeland. Everywhere we heard the expression,
"WELCOME to Israel!"---and everywhere we were greeted constantly
with "SHALOM!"---meaning, "Peace!" but said as we would say,
But just ONE THING IS DIABOLICALLY WRONG with this whole
vast effort of the Jewish people: THEY HAVE LEFT THEIR GOD
COMPLETELY OUT OF IT! They have forgotten God! There is almost NO
religion in "Israel." The Sabbath day is rigidly observed, as a
civil day of rest. All shops, stores, offices, and business is
closed up tight from sunset Friday until sunset Saturday. We spent
a Sabbath there, in Tel Aviv, and we particularly watched to see
how they observed it. Their one leading synagogue in this, their
metropolis, population some 350,000, is a comparatively small one.
I have seen much larger synagogues in Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Portland, and other American cities. Only a small fraction of the
people ever attend worship services. Their Sabbath is a day of
pleasure-seeking and recreation, freedom from their usual work or