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I wish you could just spend an hour or two, some morning,
sitting here in my office, looking over my shoulder as the mail is
opened, reading some of these hundreds and hundreds of interesting,
inspiring letters that pour into our office every day.
These wonderful letters, entirely unsolicited and spontaneous,
are my greatest encouragement. They are a definite "LIFT" that
inspire me to plunge on with renewed effort. I want to give you
just a glimpse into a very few received recently.
A woman from Alabama writes as follows: "Dear Brother
Armstrong: I know you are doing a wonderful work, and I pray and
ask God to give you physical health to keep fit for your tremendous
task. You said you baptised five people while in Los Angeles. I
want to ask you, do you have to be baptised to be saved? Why I am
asking this, my son was listening to your broadcast last Sunday
night, and I believe he was converted. He began to weep and I told
him if he would only ask God to forgive him his sins and have
FAITH, he would be saved. He is my oldest son ... 40 years old ...
not married. I hope some day you will come to our city to see us."
. . . Yes, I wish I could see ALL our listeners!
From EAST END, SASK., CANADA: " . . . I have never taken
religion too seriously but have always tried to keep on the road,
but now I am beginning to feel I would like a helping hand, to
guide me through the rest of my life. I will be listening for your
broadcasts each Sunday nite."
From MISSOURI: "My husband and I sat right on the edge of our
chairs, listening to your broadcast last night. Can hardly wait
for the next . . . . We were blessed in having met and communed
with you on the air."
From a Doctor in Ohio: "I have heard your broadcasts the
last two Sundays and I have enjoyed them completely. I only
regret that I have been unfortunate not to have heard you long
before this. I think that you present what you have to say in the
grandest manner I have ever heard. . . . I appreciate your
broadcast so much that I have taken time to let you know it."
From PENNSYLVANIA: "I heard your radio program on news and
the Bible and found it enlightening as well as inspiring. I have
heard many men explain or deal with prophecy in these days, yet,
I cared most for your presentation. I could follow you well
throughout your message. You may never know the good or worth of
such a program."
Another from Ohio: "Dear Brother Armstrong: Let me
congratulate you on your fine and inspiring message of last
evening. Thank you for making me think seriously of things that
I would otherwise pass off lightly."
From a Chaplin in the U.S. ARMY: "Your Sunday night program
was received over the radio in my hall here at Camp. . . . In our
reading hall I have placed the two free copies of "The PLAIN