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the "man in the street"---the person of the world---in his own
language, employing subject-material that would attract the largest
possible listening audience, and the very type of material that
would cause skeptics to see the Bible in a new light! PROPHECY
FULFILLMENT causes even scoffers to stop and THINK! It is
something the atheists CANNOT ANSWER! It commands their respect.
It causes many to believe in God who never did before.
Beside proclaiming the true GOSPEL---the Good News of the
KINGDOM OF GOD---the Eternal has commissioned us who are Co-Workers
together in this work to WARN THIS NATION---including Canada, and
other English-speaking nations if that becomes possible---that GOD
HIMSELF is sending this war upon us as a JUDGMENT---that we are HIS
PEOPLE ISRAEL---that to win in this war this nation MUST REPENT AND
And so, "THE WORLD TOMORROW" program has emerged from this
long experience. It is a program that attracts a very LARGE
listening audience. It is bringing a PHENOMENAL response. For
instance, from station WHO alone we receive an average of 800 to
1,000 letters per broadcast---and one broadcast on that one station
alone brought in 2,200 letters and requests from all over the
United States and Canada. As near as I can check, "The WORLD
TOMORROW" program not only brings a much greater mail response than
other religious programs, according to number and power of stations
used, but we receive a heavier mail response than commercial or
other-type programs. Atheists have been converted. Wives write me
that their unbelieving husbands, who never go to church and would
never listen to religious broadcasts, are listening to "The WORLD
TOMORROW", reading "The PLAIN TRUTH" magazine, becoming interested.
As one listening wife wrote me, "I thank God that thru you my
prayers of years are now being answered."
I feel that God has LED US all the way. "If any of you lack
wisdom, let him ASK OF GOD," says James. (1:5) When I was first
called to this work I realized, and acknowledged, that I lacked
wisdom; but I asked of God, and I am glad at the way He has
answered, and guided and led us in this work. The wisdom of
employing the type broadcast we do today is proved by believers who
formerly were atheists---by the changed lives of people who once
were worldly and now are rapidly-growing spiritual characters. It
is proved by the tremendous mail response. It is proved in many
other ways I lack the space to tell you. This broadcast is OUR
contribution to the WAR EFFORT! America MUST HAVE SPIRITUAL
ARMAMENT to save us from defeat. Just flesh and steel alone cannot
win this time. It will take MORE than human determination, using
ships, tanks, planes and guns. It will take the WHOLE ARMOR OF
GOD. Some say, "Well, I don't think this nation will wake up and
turn to God." Perhaps not, but our mail shows that dozens and
scores ARE waking to this truth and turning to God in earnest. Are
THEIR souls worth the effort? And if we WARN the nation, that is
ZEAL. This is OUR part in this war! Our duty to GOD, our greatest
help to our nation.