multiplied 30 times in volume and power for service. The second
nine years multiplied 30 times the first nine. It continues to
multiply in power and scope.
Then, just as God opened a door to the Apostle Paul to
carry the Gospel into EUROPE after an exact 19-year time cycle, so
the first 19 years of this present ministry spread the work nation-
wide in the United States, and God thereupon opened the door for
His Gospel to GO TO EUROPE, and to begin going AROUND THE WORLD!
Today hundreds of thousands over the British Isles and all Europe
---beside other thousands in Africa, India and the middle-east,
China, Japan and the East Indies---hear the Message as it is broad-
cast every week. More than 3,500 in Britain now receive The Plain
Truth every issue, and all plans are now laid for publishing a
European edition in London.
This work has grown into a very large activity. Today it
sends out CHRIST'S Gospel---the very Message JESUS preached and
taught---on more than four million watts of radio power every week.
That, in all probability, is the largest radio program on earth
today---probably the largest, most powerful campaign of evangelism
in world history. And this entire activity of God is supported
wholly BY FAITH. True, our faith has often been sorely tried. But
God has never failed us. Always it is severely tried just at this
Christmas season, when it seems so many people, without realizing
what they really are doing, FORGET Christ and His work, entirely
overlook any gift for CHRIST, in order to exchange presents with
their relatives and friends.
I know very few ever stopped to think about it, but at this
season people spend lavishly for Christmas presents, SUPPOSING they
are following the example of the wise men---not realizing the wise
men presented their gifts to CHRIST---they did not trade gifts
among themselves. Of course the truth is they were not giving the
Christ-child a birthday present at all---the occasion was not His
birthday---He had been born several days before. It was merely
CUSTOM to present gifts to A KING when coming into his presence---
and Jesus was born to be KING over the entire world, as He shall be
at His soon coming, now!
Six years ago, at his very season, God's work faced its
most severe financial crisis up to that time. We had been off the
air on our biggest stations that year, from April on. We were even
about to lose the grounds and buildings of Ambassador College,
including our office building, the headquarters of this work. I
sent a letter to all our co-workers, reminding them that many of
them were forgetting Christ and His work---spending money to TRADE
gifts with relatives and friends, neglecting any gift for CHRIST.
Then I prayed, and asked God for a miracle---for nothing else could
have saved the work. I asked Him to lay it on the hearts of people
everywhere to respond, and to grant us a veritable DOWNPOUR of
widow's mites (the widow gave two mites). The response was
overwhelming. The deluge of widow's mites poured in, and many
placed CHRIST and His work at the head of their gift lists, with
large offerings, according to their means. Instead of the work
being stopped, it took another leap ahead.