intensive study of His Word---ten to fourteen hours of study daily,
much of it on my knees---God inducted me actively into His service.
Even then I did not myself seek entrance into His ministry---I was
literally put into it! I learned in those years of privation,
hunger and hardship, to be corrected by the Bible where I had
believed erroneously. Thru it, and thru circumstances, God rebuked
and chastened me---repeatedly, and in many ways---where I was doing
wrong. Previous egotism was humbled. Self-confidence was
shattered and replaced by a living FAITH in God, which He imparted
thru and after suffering experiences. I learned of God---the hard
And so I say to you, as the Apostle Paul said to those at
Galatia: I certify you, brethren, that the GOSPEL which is preached
of me is not after man, for I neither received it of man, neither
was I taught it but BY THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. ...When it
pleased God, who...called me by His grace, to reveal His Son in me
that I might preach Him to the world; immediately I conferred not
with flesh and blood---neither went I to any sect or denomination
or human theologian, but I went directly to the WORD of GOD, on my
knees, corrected, reproved, and instructed in God's righteousness
and TRUTH. (Compare Gal. 1:11-18). God's servants always have had
to be brought low and humbled. There were years of hardship,
overcoming, persecution, and of growing in grace and the knowledge
of Jesus Christ.
This work of God, like the grain of mustard seed, started
the smallest. I suppose, that any activity could be begun thru
humans---and solely on FAITH. It has never been backed, financed,
sponsored, endowed or controlled in any way by any denomination or
organization of men. To preach God's TRUTH I have always had to
rely on God alone to supply every need---and for wisdom, under-
standing, guidance, finances---everything! If any human
denomination sponsored it, MEN would tell me what to say and what
they forbid me to say. On the other hand, relying solely on GOD,
I must faithfully speak HIS WORD or have the entire source of
supply cut off! To fully TRUST God, 100%, forces one to be
controlled by God, not men. And that, more than anything else,
makes this work DIFFERENT!
It was 21 years ago that God opened a door---the power of
radio, on one small station of the very smallest power wattage---a
mere 100 watts---in a very small city. He made me see that HIS
GOSPEL must go FREE---it cannot be sold like merchandise. So the
broadcast started, as it continues today ON FAITH! WITHOUT ASKING
FOR MONEY OVER THE AIR. The first issue of The Plain Truth came
out one month after the start of the broadcast, February 1st, 1934.
I mimeographed it myself on a rented mimeograph, from stencils cut
on a borrowed typewriter---all at a few cents cost. For the first
two or three years Mrs. Armstrong and I had to print the magazine
ourselves on a mimeograph.
But God blessed and prospered His work. Gradually it grew
---and grew. God seemed to lay it on the hearts of enough
listeners to recognize His work---even as Jesus said His sheep
would recognize His voice, and follow Him---and to send tithes and
offerings voluntarily for its support. In nine years the work had