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FAMILY OF OURS, have their own personal problems individually---
even as you have yours!
So now I ask you to always REMEMBER, and PRAY EARNESTLY
for your fellow-Co-Workers, that God will comfort them when
bereaved, deliver them from trial and trouble, supply their need,
bless them in every way. God commands us to PRAY for one another.
Other Co-Workers need your prayers. REMEMBER THEM! This will draw
YOU closer to God, and help prepare you for His Kingdom!
Here's a sister in Arkansas, who says: "It really over-
flows my heart with joy to read these wonderful letters you have
been quoting, from new listeners. I hope to read many more of them
in future letters. I am praying continually for The WORLD TOMORROW
program. I am sure God will always bless His work." As she
received blessing and inspiration from those letters, I'm sure that
now her short letter will be the means of giving blessing and
inspiration to other thousands of Co-Workers. Her $2 tithe was
Now a brief but moving letter from a brother in Oklahoma:
"I am sending you twenty dollars for the Gospel. I read your
letter and those letters you got from other countries. As I read
them the tears ran down my cheeks. I just couldn't help it. I
hope those people come to understand God's Word. I am praying for
you that God will keep you on the air. May God bless you."
Co-Workers, you know I do not try to play on and arouse
people's emotions, but preach the plain, simple, true Message of
GOD for this world for this time, straight from the shoulder. But
it is a very precious and sacred Message! And the overwhelming
significance and importance of it---the realization that we can be
reconciled to GOD, and actually be made ONE with HIM---begotten
now, and then at Christ's coming BORN of Him, as a part of the very
GOD FAMILY, becoming GOD as HE is God---this Truth, lost for 18«
centuries and now restored by God's grace is so OVERWHELMING that
it ought to really stir and move the emotions of the strongest man.
I have seen really strong men---men of education and
accomplishment---break down and shed real tears, UNASHAMED, as a
result of comprehending this Truth, and seeing others brought into
it, and begotten of God! If there breathes a man with "soul so
dead," that he cannot be moved to tears over such JOYOUS revelation
from God Almighty, our Creator and Father, then I say that man is
dead indeed. May God awaken us ALL to this OVERWHELMING
I INTERRUPT! It is now two days later than when I began
this letter. Just at this point, Mrs. Armstrong, looking out the
portholes of our stateroom, called to me that she saw a lighthouse
to the northeast of us. I took the binoculars and ran up on the
sundeck for a better view, and could plainly see land. It's the
southern shore of ENGLAND---first land we've seen in five days! It
is now 6:30 P.M. here and it is only 10:30 A.M. back home, daylight
time, and only 11:30 A.M. in the middle-west. Our ship docks at Le
Havre, France, at 5:30 tomorrow morning, and then proceeds to
Southampton, England, where we expect Dick and Rod to meet us,