in God's work!
A woman Co-Worker in Louisiana writes: "In answer to your
letter of July 12, I must say my heart was thrilled beyond words
when I read those letters from the listeners all over the world,
and thought, 'Oh! this work of God just can't stop now.' I would
be lost if I could not listen to the broadcasts daily---it seems
that I wouldn't have anything left to live for. I thought when I
mailed the offering June 14 that I would not be able to send
another until August 1, but after reading your letter decided that
I would, and would trust God to help me out in case I get in a
tight place. I know He will. I could never repay Him for what He
has done for me in the last month in the way of spiritual things.
He gave me faith to quit taking medicine and trust Him to heal me,
and I am doing so much better, and am so happy! My daughter is in
the hospital and is not improving. Will you dear people pray for
her? She is not a Christian, but wants to be. She was very much
impressed by the way the young men conducted the baptismal service
when they were here to baptize me. ...If you feel that God would
heal her in answer to your prayers according to James 5:14-15, you
may send a handkerchief, as you did for me. I know you are busy
and need rest. I wonder how you are able to do so much. I am so
glad that you have your sons to help you and will soon be able to
write personal letters. It will be such a blessing to us. So
until you can I'll be patiently waiting and always pray for you,
and am praying earnestly for all the needs to be supplied. I know
God will continue to bless His work. I'm listening to your son now
over XEG. He is a wonderful teacher of God's Word. May God bless
all you dear people, and give you a good rest."--- My! how a letter
like that does warm our hearts, and give us inspiration and faith
to keep plunging ahead with our part of the work.
I know this sister was simply writing for thousands of
you dear Co-Workers, who feel just as she does---and I know many of
you will feel that she was writing for YOU, as well as herself!
She enclosed $30 in tithes and offerings. Some must give less---
some can give more---according as God has prospered each one and
made possible. This $30 came as a result of her faith---trusting
GOD for healing instead of spending it on medicine. Think how much
good this lesson in FAITH---living FAITH put to practice---has done
her---besides all the good it will do thousands of others who will
hear and read the precious TRUTH because her $30 paid for it and
made it possible! Whether it's only one or two dollars, or several
thousand, it is USED OF GOD FOR GREAT GOOD!
Another sister in Illinois writes: "I am enclosing five
dollars to help in the broadcasts. My heart was thrilled as I read
the wonderful letters from those who heard the Message. My husband
passed away the sixth of July, and I haven't been feeling so well.
PLEASE PRAY FOR ME, that I may go forward in helping in God's great
work. I thank you so much for sending me the papers."
CO-WORKERS! I have asked you many times to pray for the
work, and its great need. But now I also remind you that your
fellow-Co-Workers, whom you do not know personally, yet whose
hearts, like yours, are in GOD'S WORK, and are part of this GREAT