set up arrangements so that you may pitch your own tent on the
grounds, or bring your trailer house. We will try to provide
electricity for trailer houses, and limited toilet and shower bath
facilities, but only enough for a small portion of these attending.
If you expect to bring a trailer house or tent, write ahead
immediately for RESERVATION---address Radio Church of God, Box 453,
Gladewater, Texas. DO NOT send this reservation to Pasadena. In
this case, bring along everything you shall need for camping or
living in your trailer.
whom you HOPE to get interested or hope to get converted. This is
NOT an evangelistic service preaching the Gospel to THE WORLD---it
is a Festival God commands for HIS PEOPLE,---already converted, and
already HIS people---to GO AWAY from the world, and live together
for eight days as a foretaste of the JOYS of the Kingdom of God,
which it pictures to us. In the Kingdom of God there will be ONLY
the children of God, then immortal and divine. In this Festival
there should be ONLY those who are begotten children of God. Of
course repentant believers, not yet baptized, but coming to be
baptized during the festival, should by all means come. MANY will
be baptized at this Festival. If there is some other member of
your own family who is NOT converted or in sympathy with this
festival or God's truth as it is proclaimed on the WORLD TOMORROW
or in The PLAIN TRUTH, that member should not be brought to this
festival---and harm has come, and reflection been cast of God's
Church in past years because this very condition was not observed.
This should not hurt anyone's feelings, and will not of any
converted person---it is GOD'S way, not ours---and we must follow
the ways of GOD. Some have written to ask, what about people who
send their tithe money regularly to the Radio Church of God, who
support this work, and yet are members of other churches? Surely
the HEARTS of such people must be in God's work and in His true
Church, even though they have not yet taken their membership out of
a sectarian denomination of this world, or else their TREASURE
would not be in this work. If their HEARTS are truly in this work
of GOD, and God has opened their minds to see that they should keep
His holydays, and they are in accord with THE TRUTH as God
proclaims it thru us, then certainly they ought to COME, and are
most welcome. But, on the other hand, we should all realize, of
course, that tithes paid or offerings given into God's work does
not buy either one's salvation, or his rights or privileges of
fellowship with God's people. These are FREE, to those whose
hearts are right with God and with His Church and His work.
EATING AT RESTAURANTS: As stated above, all meals will
be served, three times a day, at the Tabernacle. Yet some may eat
an occasional meal or snack in a restaurant. At the spring
Festival, some restaurant owners complained to us that some of our
people came in and told them what they ought to eat and serve, and
expected them to provide special whole wheat bread and other
things. This only caused restaurant owners to ask, "What kind of
a strange crack-pot religion do you have, anyway---going around
telling everyone what they ought to eat!" This only casts a
stumbling block in the way of others. OUR PEOPLE SHOULD USE MORE
WISDOM. We know, of course, that restaurants do not serve real