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HOW MUCH WILL IT COST TO ATTEND? As stated above, we
cannot tell you this. It depends on how good a motel you get. I
might mention that generally I have found that the best and highest
priced motels fill up first, and if you have to take what's left it
is most likely to be the lower priced cabins. We will serve three
meals a day at the tabernacle, on a bare cost basis, the same as
last year---$2 per day per person for adults; children age six to
twelve, $1 per day per person; children under 6, no charge.
written: "We can get there, but you'll have to give us money to pay
our way back home." THERE IS NO FUND AT PRESENT FOR THIS. All I
can say is, DO NOT COME expecting us to be able to give you money
to get home on. You may have to WALK! If you have not been
obeying God in saving a second tithe of all your income to pay your
own expenses, you should not expect others to pay your expenses in
addition to their own. If you have saved your second tithe and it
is not enough, then do as Rod Meredith directed in his article on
the subject---save this second tithe and stay home this year and
keep on saving it another year and then you can come next year.
There are already a certain number whose cases we are familiar
with, whom we shall try to help this year because they are
deserving, but their need is already far beyond what we have to
help them. In fact, we have nothing so far toward this purchase,
as I shall state below. We do want to help all we can who are
worthy of help---God's true people have always done this---but we
do not feel this help can be given without discretion, or to those
who are not trying to help themselves by saving their second tithe
and faithfully paying God's first tithe into His work, no matter
how small. There are more whom we already KNOW to be worthy of
this help than we are able to help---so I must repeat---nobody
should come with the idea that they will expect return fare home to
be given them. This could lead to an abuse that is injurious to
those who do it and unjust to those who sacrifice to help them.
of God did, those who have more than they need do turn in this
surplus from their second tithe into a special fund for helping
those who do not have enough. PLEASE RUSH all these special
offerings, as we already have the largest list of any previous year
of those needing, and deserving of, this help. Those who have more
than they need thus share with those who lack. As stated above, we
cannot promise to help more than those already known and approved
for this help. But the need is really great this year---we need
many hundred dollars in this fund. Heretofore Mrs. Armstrong has
handled this fund. We have not had other ordained ministers beside
myself in former years. Now, however, since we do have ordained
ministers, and since the early disciples gave their surplus funds
to the apostles for distribution, I have appointed Elder Rod
Meredith to handle this fund. Address him at 182 So. Orange Grove
Avenue, Pasadena, Calif., and he will handle it honestly and in
business-like manner, but those receiving it will not know who gave
it, and those giving it will not know the names of those receiving