of greater German successes than ever! Satan the Devil rules and
guides Hitler. His "intuitions," scoffed at by many, are simply
the cunning, supernatural directions of the devil himself. Bible
prophecy shows Hitler is far from through. He will take Gibralter
---perhaps, now, NEXT! He will take SUEZ. He will enter and
take PALESTINE---eventually set up his headquarters there! If
the course of Bible prophecy is followed, it is probable that
Japan will take the Philippines---that Singapore will fall. We
have not yet seen the end of disaster. This, now, is only the
"BEGINNING of sorrows!" according to Jesus' prophecy (Mat. 24:8.)
Our liberties threatened by the Axis CAN be preserved and
made secure---but only if America confesses that sin is the
transgression of GOD'S law---only if America now quickly REPENTS,
as a people, of sin---only if America will now turn in dead earnest
to our GOD, putting her trust, not in America stamina merely, but
in a HIGHER SUPERNATURAL POWER than the diabolical power guiding
Hitler---only if America gets on the WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD!
(Ephesians 6:10-18.)
If we want to help America now in her hour of supreme
test---if we love this country and want to help save this people
from captivity and slavery, I tell you, my dear co-workers, we need
now to make EVERY sacrifice, put forth EVERY effort, to shout this
warning to the whole people. I need your help as never before. I
need it badly---quickly---continuously.
If you believe God and His Word---if you know that Bible
prophecy is SURE, and CERTAIN---then you will realize that America
stands in PERIL today---that America's HOPE is in the ETERNAL GOD,
whose people we are---that God says plainly He will send the
foreign sword of invasion UNLESS our people now turn with their
whole hearts, and with broken contrite repentant hearts, to HIM.
In God Almighty now lies our hope. Our people do not realize it.
It is SPIRITUAL armament I am fighting for! Are you with me? If
you want to save America---if you want to see souls saved---if you
want to help spread the true GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM, then I KNOW YOU
Remember, Jesus commanded us to seek FIRST the KINGDOM OF
GOD, and all material considerations, even to material defense,
secondarily. Then, he promised, all these material needs SHALL BE
ADDED! Now, more than ever, we must put GOD FIRST! That is the
most effective way we who are Christians can help protect and save
America, as well as our own souls. Remember this war is
PROPHESIED! It is the LAST war! It is for a PURPOSE! God's
JUDGMENTS are about to fall! Our first---our HIGHEST duty---is to
God and His Kingdom. He that endures thru to the END of these
terrible times shall be saved!
I call upon every co-worker now to ENLIST in this fight---
this SPIRITUAL fight for God and country---for the duration. We
must dedicate our ALL to it. If we put our ALL on the altar---are
willing to GIVE now to the very limit, God will give it all back
heaping with interest. If we now lose our heads, forget to put
FIRST things first, try to SAVE our all, we shall then LOSE all---
all our material goods, and our souls as well! Help me, now, in