VOL. II. Number 3
December 24th, 1941
Published every little while, by your radio-
pastor editor, Herbert W. Armstrong, Box 111,
Eugene, Ore., to bring spiritual edification
and encouragement to our little family of
co-workers who make possible the RADIO CHURCH
W A R ! What it Means in P R O P H E C Y --- to
YOU --- to our WORK
In the last BULLETIN, dated September 28th, the headline
was: "United States on Brink of WAR---as God Opens Marvelous
Opportunity for Broadcast."
The last number of The PAIN TRUTH (Sept-Oct) contained
the page 1 headline, "America Stands in Mortal DANGER, Now!"
For months I have been saying to our radio audiences that
WAR was coming closer to America. Perhaps few took these warnings
seriously. America has been "protected" by two great oceans!
Well, it has come. American soil has been invaded, the
U.S. Navy seriously crippled. Enemy submarines are torpedoing
ships 20 miles off our Pacific Coast. Enemy planes have been
flying over San Francisco. We know what black-outs are.
Prophesied events SWEEP ON! Bible prophecy is CERTAIN!
Far more horrible events now loom immediately ahead. This, now,
is only "the BEGINNING of sorrows." Do we now believe it? Are
we at last AWAKE?
True, we could not know exactly HOW, or WHERE, or even
WHEN the blow would strike America. There is no specific
prophecy foretelling Japan's attack against America, except as
Japan is part of Hitler's Axis.
But in the last BULLETIN, we did say: "Negotiations with
Japan are reported breaking down, as inevitably they must. Japan
cannot back down without 'losing face.' And Japan would rather
suffer annihilation than 'lose face.' The U.S. also has gone too
far to back down. Soon Japan must ... 'lose face' utterly---or
seize territory...which means WAR with America."
Today the people are desperately trying to convince
themselves that Hitler is weakening---about to disintegrate.
Because of reverses the past two weeks in Russia, Hitler has
deposed his army commander-in-chief, and assumed personal direct
command. Instead of relying upon seasoned military judgment,
Hitler says he will now direct the German army according to his
"intuitions." The world scoffs, believes this means Hitler's
end. But I warn our co-workers it probably means the beginning