Unless a listener to the radio program, or a reader of The PLAIN
TRUTH voluntarily, without solicitation, becomes a co-worker, we
make no request for money. Approximately 10% of those receiving
The PLAIN TRUTH are co-workers---and it is their tithes and
offerings, voluntarily sent, which make it possible for us to send
The PLAIN TRUTH free to the other 90%, and also to send out the
radio program over the most powerful radio stations to a Coast to
Coast audience every day (or night) of the year. So now I do, from
the heart, want to say THANK YOU! And I shall try, if God will
give me strength to write it, and move our co-workers to provide,
to send you The PLAIN TRUTH every month this coming year!
Here we are again coming to the Christmas shopping
season. Did you ever stop to ask WHY people give Christmas gifts?
Actually the custom started in ancient paganism. If
you'd like the real TRUTH about Christmas, how it started, where it
came from, what the Bible says about it (and you'll be SURPRISED!)
just write for our free booklet, "The Truth About Christmas." But
people think they give Christmas presents because the wise men
presented gifts to the Christ child.
Notice how it is written: "And when they (the wise men)
were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his
mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened
their treasures, they presented unto HIM (Christ) gifts; gold, and
frankincense, and myrrh." (Matt 2:11). These are not cheap, but
the very finest, most valuable---the things most in esteem among
themselves. Actually, the truth is they presented these gifts
because it was CUSTOM to present gifts to a KING---and Christ was
born to be King of all the earth!
But did you notice that they did not TRADE GIFTS among
themselves? They did not give presents to each other. They gave
their gifts to CHRIST! And what are people doing today? Today, at
this Christmas season, people usually forget, or neglect Christ and
His work, and spend all their money EXCHANGING GIFTS BACK AND FORTH
The truth is, as we approach this Christmas shopping
season, the precious work of Christ is having a terrible financial
struggle. It is meeting a severe test of faith. And we know many
of our regular co-workers who regularly contribute to this
important work thru the year will neglect it or put it off so they
can spend all their money trading gifts among their relatives and
friends! It is a time of sore trial and great test of faith for
those who have given their lives to the work of Christ!
And so without apology I make a bold suggestion: This is
not a request---but I pass it on to you as a SUGGESTION for you to
think over, and do as you yourself wish, or feel God leads you:
THIS Christmas shopping season, WHY NOT GIVE A GIFT TO CHRIST FOR
HIS WORK? Won't you feel better about it if CHRIST is on your
list? And, in fact should HE not be placed at the very HEAD of
the list, instead of the bottom---for the largest, most generous
gift of all?