hands, in keeping up YOUR part of God's great work by sending your
tithes and offerings---and also to thank you for your prayers. I
know now more than ever before there is a devil. And Satan hates
this work of God, and is very angry at it. He has done everything
in his power to stop it, to discredit it. God has permitted us to
go thru a year of most severe trial and test. It has been hard,
and we have suffered much. I have had to carry a crushing load.
But God has seen us thru so far. The greatest need of all was that
I get this fast and rest, and come back rejuvenated, for I was
really too tired to even talk to you over the air. We had met just
one set-back and discouragement after another. You have no idea
the ordeal we have lived thru. Such mental strain affects physical
health. I am not, and have not been in 20 years, sick. But I have
been worn out, vitality impaired. This fast and rest was
imperative. It has NOT been a vacation for pleasure and
recreation. But already my mind is clearer, and I am beginning to
feel anxious to leap back into the work. Meanwhile, GOD BLESS you
dear co-workers for keeping the work going while I have been here.
I hope now to be able to keep up with answering personal letters.
Many of you have written letters I have just not been able, in my
worn-out condition, to answer, and I guess many of you have been
offended and angry. You just can't know how badly I have wanted to
answer your letters---to give each one of you a personal answer,
but I haven't been able. I have given my last ounce of strength to
keep this work going, and have had to trust that each of you would
be willing to sacrifice a personal letter just to you, that I might
keep the work alive and the Message going out to MILLIONS. Now,
however, I will make every effort to try to keep up with personal
And DON'T FORGET---our expenses are running along all the
time, and before you can even get a reply back I will have to send
a large check to XEG to pay for the resumption of the daily broad-
casts, and it will cost over a thousand dollars to get out this
coming PLAIN TRUTH. We are still not out of the financial
emergency we were plunged in almost a year ago. I have every faith
that we will now quickly get that remaining one-third of our great
debt paid off, and get God's work out of reproach completely, and
get going full steam ahead. But it will still take every possible
sacrifice on YOUR part, and the need is great for some large
offerings, as well as for a downpour of smaller ones. I know
you'll keep the work going by sending in at once the largest sum
you can. God bless you. Now I'll rest again, and be with you on
the air in another week.
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong