gravity. Thousands have found this booklet not only helpful and TRUE, but very
interesting as well. I'd like to send you a free copy with my compliments.
Also, since we approach the Christmas season you may have, also free, my
booklet on The Plain Truth About Christmas. It is a shocker and an eye-opener.
Few seem to know how Christmas started. It was observed by pagan religions
many hundred years before the Christ child was born. The facts are astonishing,
and you can verify them in encyclopedias and ancient history textbooks. I was
amused at an English lady who wrote in a magazine, "I Hate Christmas!" She
hastened to explain, "Lest I have the entire clergy of the country damning me to
perdition because of the above title, let me say that this is not an attack
on ... Christmas, but rather a plea against it's overwhelming commercialism and
stand against the hypocrisy which surrounds it."
She then proceeded to voice the same weary complaints that you hear so
many housewives, businessmen and store clerks give vent to during this time of
She marveled that a world so filled with killing and war could pause for
few hours to mouth "peace on earth," and then go back to the business of killing
within moments.
She said, "I hate Christmas for all the sham and pretense and
cant that purrs along with office parties, business soirees, and end-of-the-year
gatherings where praise is insincere and promises as unsubstantial as pie crusts
come January 2."
This writer felt most Christmas spirit came from a bottle--and dreaded
commercialism of lot-bought Christmas cards and jostling crowds with pushing
shoulders and hungry hands.
She hated Christmas for its soaring accounts, wearing shopping trips and
economic hangover. She said, "Today, in the name of Christmas, we have
terrifying grocery bills, tremendous butcher's bills, ridiculous toy bills,
frightening florist's bills ... (and are) in the red for six months."
Also a man once said, "I wonder what people would think of a birthday
party where the man's best friends all came with birthday gifts, and then
exchanged those gifts among themselves, with nothing for the friend whose
birthdate they were celebrating." Well, maybe that's this world.
Every year I offer our subscribers some special booklet, gratis with my
compliments, and this year I offer you these two special booklets.
THANK YOU for being a PLAIN TRUTH subscriber, and with very best
With much love, in Jesus' name.
Herbert W. Armstrong