against the Government of God (Ezek. 28:12-17). He had been placed on the
THRONE OF THE EARTH. He was already present as Satan when Adam was
created. God created MAN after the GOD kind (Gen. 1:26), potentially to become
God beings--God's born children. But man was created of matter from the
ground--with temporary physical existence--NOT of spirit. God is composed of
spirit, with immortal self-containing life. This immortal LIFE was offered the
man, Adam. But he was required to make a choice between the way of
Satan--rebellion against God's rule and way of life--or eternal life through
Holy Spirit of outflowing LOVE. Through Adam's wife Eve, Satan influenced
Adam and Eve to REJECT immortal LIFE--life lived God's way of outflowing
LOVE. Man chose to take to himself the knowledge of good and evil. Thereupon
God CLOSED UP the tree of LIFE--that is, the Holy Spirit which could have
imparted eternal life, UNTIL Christ, the second Adam, should come as a human
and pay by his death man's penalty for sinning.
Thus it was that this WORLD was founded with Adam, influenced and led
by Satan contrary to God's Law--the foundation of God's GOVERNMENT.
Satan therefore was left still ON EARTH'S THRONE--with the Government
of God rejected, Satan still on the throne of the earth. MAN was led by Satan in
developing SATAN'S WORLD, started with Adam. MAN had chosen good as well
as evil, but without God's Spirit of LOVE in him, man's good was human
good--human righteousness--which God calls "filthy rags."
So, in 6,000 years since Adam, his children have multiplied into TODAY'S
20th century world--Satan's world. It is a world of AWESOME material progress
and accomplishment, but at the same time a world of APPALLING EVILS.
After 4,000 years, God sent Jesus Christ to START GOD'S WORLD --
governed by GOD!
Jesus DID NOT come to reform Satan's world by "converting the millions
one by one" as the false traditional "Christianity" seems to believe. He came to
START a new and different world altogether. It started WITHIN Satan's world, but
not OF it. It started with one man--the Savior and future KING to replace Satan
on earth's throne--to build a NEW world--a NEW civilization living GOD'S WAY
of life, governed by GOD through Jesus Christ--a world filled with GOD'S Holy
Spirit of outflowing LOVE--the love that fulfills the LAW of GOD'S
Jesus chose 12 and taught them the WAY OF LIFE of GOD'S GOVERNMENT.
He commissioned them to teach others, as God called others, who were in turn to
teach still others of the next generation, who were to teach still others.
Thus Jesus built his CHURCH. His Church is the "called-out ones"--called
out of this world into the Church. The Church thus became the embryo that in due
time will be BORN as GOD beings in the Family of God. It was, in embryo,
GOD'S new civilization, living separately WITHIN, but not OF, Satan's world. It
governed by the GOVERNMENT OF GOD.
Now consider what we mean by GOVERNMENT. It is merely the organized
system of administering and supervising the conduct of its subjects in living by
the rules or ways of life of GOD--the way of LOVE--of PEACE--of mutual
happiness and joy.