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September 20, 1983
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ:
As world conditions worsen with increasing acceleration, the rich
of God upon his Work through the living Christ also mount with increasing
Throuqh Christ, God is increasingly opening new doors for spreading his
true Message.
Truly, as we read in Ephesians 1:8 (Moffatt version), "So richly has God
lavished upon us his grace."
New and better times are opening to us on important television stations.
Hundreds of supermarkets have opened for distribution of The PLAIN TRUTH
magazine. The PLAIN TRUTH circulation has now topped six million copies in six
languages--and soon a seventh--Norwegian--which can be understood in both
Sweden and Denmark.
Largely due to the good performance of a group of Ambassador College
students sent to China to study Chinese (two members of our staff have since
asked to assist their government in teaching English), it now appears that the
People's Republic of China will invite us to hold one of our convention sites in
brand-new hotel that will accommodate 1,000 members--all services for the eight
days being held in the large hotel ballroom. If and when confirmed, we will make
a definite announcement. This will be a historic FIRST, since no religious
conventions have ever been held in China since the Communist revolution.
We are now right up to the biblical Festival of Tabernacles time and have
just observed the Feast of Trumpets, foreshadowing the Second Coming of Christ,
and the Day of Atonement, foreshadowing the final removal of Satan and making
the then reborn children of God AT ONE with God and with Christ.
The coming of the Messiah to take over the RULE of ALL NATIONS will
mark the greatest event in the history of the entire universe. Do you realize
In Acts 3:19-21, in the first Spirit-inspired sermon on the day God's
was founded, Peter said Jesus has been in heaven UNTIL the time of restitution
all things. Restitution means restoring something taken away. It is speaking of
GOVERNMENT of GOD on earth.
The Bible shows angels were on earth prior to the first human (II Pet.
Job 38:4-7). Satan is described as the former cherub Lucifer (Isa. 14:12-14) who
was perfect in his ways from the day he was created until he turned to rebellion