That is the way they lived! That is GOD'S WAY OF LIFE. It is the basic
SPIRITUAL LAW--and for humanity it is LOVE to GOD and LOVE to neighbor as
to self. The Ten Commandments magnify that basic Law. The first four define love
to God, the last six love to neighbor. SIN is the transgression of that LAW--
PRINCIPLE, which becomes an ATTITUDE--a MOTIVE--an INTENT, and we
come to know what is sin by applying the principle of that attitude, motive or
intent, for sin is the transgression of that spiritual Law. It is GOD'S WAY OF
and the world is living precisely the OPPOSITE WAY, or the way of SIN. Sin has
caused all our troubles, evils, pains and sufferings.
We are right now in the preliminary stages leading to "THE GREAT
TRIBULATION" of Matthew 24:21-22. In that Tribulation a third of our people
will be killed by World War III--an all--out nuclear war that would destroy all
humanity from the earth except for the supernatural intervention of GOD! Another
third will die of disease epidemics resulting from famine. A final third will be
taken prisoners and made SLAVES. This coming world Tribulation will quickly
proceed to the point where, if God delayed intervening another day, ALL
WHY will God allow such a chaotic disaster as the Great Tribulation?
Because MAN--and perhaps even YOU, dear co-worker--still seems to think
there are desirable pleasures in THIS WORLD and ITS WAYS, even above
GOD'S WAY OF LIFE! God knows it is necessary for our eternal happiness, peace
and joy, to come to the very END of our human rope and way of life!
As God raised up John the Baptist, a voice in the PHYSICAL wilderness of
the Jordan River to prepare the way for Christ's first coming as the PHYSICAL
Jesus, to His PHYSICAL people Judah, and to His PHYSICAL temple of stone,
wood and materials, with His Message (Gospel) foretelling the FUTURE Kingdom
of God to RULE THE WORLD in PEACE and HAPPINESS, SO, God has raised up
this Work as a voice crying out in the SPIRITUAL wilderness of religious
confusion, to prepare the way for the SPIRITUAL Christ's Second Coming, in all
the supreme POWER AND GLORY of GOD, to His SPIRITUAL people--His
Church--and His SPIRITUAL TEMPLE--the Church--to ESTABLISH the
KINGDOM OF GOD to rule with POWER and FORCE over ALL NATIONS, and to
bring us PEACE AT LAST! Peace can come only when:
1) Satan is abolished from earth, and
2) Christ in POWER forces people to be happy and live at peace, living in
GOD'S WAY OF LIFE, which made God and the Word happy for trillions of
years, and will make us happy for trillions upon trillions to come for all
That, dear co-workers, is my mission, and YOUR mission as a co-worker
with me. I'm giving my ALL to it. How much are YOU giving?
Satan has attacked this Work this year and also me personally as never
before. But Jesus Christ, as He promised, has not left nor forsaken His Work or
me, or us in it. We have been getting His Church and Work back on the
track--HIS track--this year. I know He is pleased, because He has blessed this
WORK this year as NEVER BEFORE!
Let us now get whatever remains to be put back on the track, and PUSH