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December 27, 1981
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ:
Now what? What do we face in 1982?
1981 has brought the United States, Britain and much of the Western world
into economic depression. Inflation and unemployment have escalated and so has
crime, violence, discontent and trouble generally. A year ago the big news was
still the hostages in Iran. Now it's the crisis in Poland. The Middle East
caldron still boils over.
What the world does not realize is that, under cover, secret planning is
proceeding furiously, uncovered by the news media, unknown by the public
But suddenly, unexpectedly, as biblical prophecy reveals, the whole world
will be startled and shocked into WONDER, to learn that a new THIRD SUPER
WORLD POWER has suddenly burst forth onto the world scene--a resurrection of
the medieval Holy Roman Empire by a union of 10 nations in Europe--very
possibly five in Western Europe, and five broken loose from the Communist orbit
in Eastern Europe! The crisis in Poland is tremendously significant, and with it
fact that there is now a Polish pope!
The whole world now is in deep trouble, not only between nations, but
between PEOPLE in every walk of life. Discontent is everywhere. People tried to
be merry at Christmas time, and many lost their lives being merry on alcohol
mixed with automobile driving. But in too many cases--perhaps more than half of
all--husband and wife can't get along together, parents and children, family and
next-door neighbor, black and white, management and labor, nation and nation.
No one seems to be HAPPY, and we may well ask, will anyone have a "happy new
People don't know how to live GOD'S WAY OF LIFE! Stop and reflect! Just
what IS God's way of life? It's the way God lived for trillions and centillions
trillions of years with "The Word." The Word was a Personage who, some 1,980
years ago was born as Jesus Christ, the Son of God. You read of them in John
1:1-4, 14. In them was LIFE immortal, eternal--they had always existed! They
LIVED! But HOW did they live? The way they lived is GOD'S WAY OF LIFE.
There were just the two of them in existence--until they created other living
beings. Two cannot walk together except they be AGREED. They AGREED! Jesus
Christ is the SAME yesterday, today and forever. He has not changed. He said,
1,950 years ago, that His father, God, is greater than He. He is the Word of
but He said He spoke only as God commanded Him. So, God was the "boss." One
has to be the leader! But there was perfect agreement and harmony. God LOVED
the Word. He said, when the Word was made flesh, "This is my beloved Son, in
whom I am well pleased." The Word loved God. LOVE is always OUTflowing,
never in-grasping or coveting or lustful. LOVE is cooperating, unselfish
helping, giving. They did not seek to GET or take from one another.