It ought to shock every individual out of complacency, into sober realization
of where we are heading now!
In the United States now, ONE MILLION teenage girls become pregnant
UNMARRIED every year! Conditions rival this in Britain, Europe and Sweden!
A responsible survey reports 50% of U.S. teenage girls have lost virginity
in premarital sex--beginning age 14 and under! Today teenagers are indeed
"wise" in sex discussion and sex experience, but woefully still IGNORANT in
sex KNOWLEDGE!--especially in what is BEST for THEM, and WHY!
Of course, almost NONE is receiving any intelligent teaching in real
UNDERSTANDING of sex from their parentsl Parents seem as embarrassed
in teaching their children as ever!
One mother insisted her husband speak to their six-year-old son about
the "facts of life." Dad was terribly embarrassed. Finally he worked up courage.
"Son," he said, after taking the boy alone into a private room, "I--I--I
think--ah--maybe we'd better have a little talk about--ah--sex."
"Oh sure, Dad," said the boy, "What'd you like to know?"
Sex IGNORANCE is testified by the fact of 250,000 reported cases of
gonorrhea annually in the United States. Probably only one in four to ten cases
is reported!
What about MARRIAGE? How did MARRIAGE get started? Few know.
But today there is a definite conspiracy being used in newspapers, television,
magazines and books to DESTROY the marriage institution and the FAMILY
life. Few children even eat with their parents at home any more!
Today only 13% of American families include a working father, a
stay-at-home homemaking and child-rearing mother, and one or more children!
Over two-and-a-half million American men and women avoid marriage
altogether--yet live together as unwed heterosexuals or as homosexuals!
By 1990 a virgin standing at the marriage altar will be a phenomenon!
Many psychiatrists and psychologists are asking today, "WHY any marriage
at all?" They offer several options instead of marriage!
These FACTS ought to arouse every one of us.
What was the Creator's PURPOSE in marriage, the FAMILY structure
and sex?
All our PROBLEMS in society today are of a spiritual nature--including
sex. But what is the CREATOR'S purpose in all this? How did He intend sex
to be used? Only for reproduction? That was a religious teaching for many
centuries; yet, shockingly, THAT IS NOT God's teaching in the Bible! The fact
is, religion, Christianity, has never UNDERSTOOD the true biblical teaching
straight from God the Creator!
Parents sorely NEED this knowledge--the missing dimension in knowledge.
It's PLAIN enough once you see it in your Bible. Single people need it. Youths
need it. Children need right teaching from parents. But most parents either