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Herbert W. Armstrong Post Office Box 43l Tucson, Arizona, 85702
November 3, 1980
Dear PLAIN TRUTH Subscriber:
Once or twice a year I like to send a personal letter to our subscribers
of this very unusual MAGAZINE OF UNDERSTANDING.
I write my "PERSONAL" page and articles for you every month. You
are constantly in my thoughts. And right now I am deeply concerned about
something that I want to write personally to you about.
I have been deeply concerned lately about the fact that FAMILY LIFE
in America and the western world is fast breaking down. Especially since World
War II, morals have gone from the gutter into the cesspool and now down deeper
than that!
They call it the "New Morality." But IS it "morality"? It's time we all
stop and think a moment. WHY should there be any morality?
It's time we look at this question sanely, unashamedly, frankly, without
false modesty, and come to an UNDERSTANDING of the TRUE VALUES--of
what is BEST for US--for teenagers--for parents--for every one of us.
I am the father of four children, of grandchildren and now three great
grandchildren. I'm not an old-fashioned prude, and on the other hand I know
we should UNDERSTAND what we accept and believe, and on PROOF know
WHY we believe it.
In my position as editor of magazines, as educator, as a foundation
beside being a minister of the living God--and as one who works for world
peace and knows personally perhaps more heads of government over nations
than any other--I have had to be SURE that I KNOW the truths of such phases
of life as morals.
You know, we become so engrossed in our day-to-day activities that we
sometimes do not fully realize what is happening to this civilization in which
we live.
If FAMILY LIFE breaks down, all civilization will break down and go into
anarchy. A solid FAMILY structure is the foundation and backbone of any healthy
and enduring society!
This world has emerged from the age of "hush." A moral revolution has
swept the world. Few under 30 today have any conception of what the previous
4,000-year world was like morally. Few of you over 30 or 40 are really fully
aware of the extent to which the "New Morality" has progressed!
We need seriously to realize we live today in a DIFFERENT WORLD!
Sex is everywhere discussed among teenagers and those under 30--and to some
extent among those older. Sex is today almost as promiscuously indulged.
Let me give you a brief and swift overview after one year in the '80s.