by law for them to examine. NO RECORDS OF FINANCIAL, OR OTHER
of PERSECUTION was brought from altogether different motives. It
started with six disfellowshipped former brethren--seeking to DESTROY
the Church and Work of the LIVING GOD--and the State government has
taken the baton.
Please read this following paragraph twice. It is IMPORTANT!
We pride ourselves on having one of the finest, if not THE finest
book-keeping and record-keeping systems anywhere on earth.
When I first incorporated this Work of God, I made every effort,
through competent legal advice and performance, to make it SO
FOOL-PROOF that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE (myself included!)
to "siphon off" or take or steal any money from the Work of the Living
GOD! It would have been impossible for Mr. Rader or me to have taken
for personal use any money not accounted for. For example, I took
my elder daughter with me as my personal hostess at banquets,
dinners, luncheons, receptions and the like, that became a necessary
part of the GREAT COMMISSION, carrying Christ's Gospel Message into
all the world. This required new and better clothes, as well as
a modest amount of jewelry for her. BUT, I PAID FOR EVERY PENNY
OF THAT FROM MY OWN PERSONAL FUNDS--money I had earned, and on which
I had paid both federal and state income taxes.
I ask you, brethren, how would YOU feel, if you spent some of
your own hard-earned money for something in God's Work. Then your
State government accused you--and banner-headline news reports
worldwide accused you of STEALING--not stealing only such comparatively
small amounts for something in the Work, but stealing thousands of
times MORE than that? Jesus Christ told me in the Bible that if
I gave my life to Him for His Work, I would SUFFER PERSECUTION!
I counted the cost 52 years ago! And I have had persecution
constantly ever since. I knew well "that we must through much
tribulation enter into the Kingdom of God".
Brethren, that applies to all of us!
Let me now quote a current statement from our legal department.
One of the more absurd, false allegations made by the Deputy Attorney
General Hillel Chodos in the instant action has been the alleged failure of
of the three corporations to render an adequate accounting.
This accusation is particularly surprising, and gives further evidence of
the bad
faith of the Deputy Attorney General Lawrence Tapper and Deputy Attorney
General Hillel Chodos harassment in that each corporation has filed with
State of California an annual accounting on forms prescribed by the State
in the detail required by those forms.
Specifically, Ambassador International Cultural Foundation files with the
Attorney General's office an annual, detailed report (Form CT-2) listing,