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Herbert W. Armstrong
Box 431
Tucson, Arizona 85702
March 19, 1979
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ:
On Friday, March 16, we won another major battle in the WAR
launched by the State of California, through the Attorney General's
office. It was a massive effort to seize, take over, and confiscate
all properties and assets as well as continuing income of the
Worldwide Church of God.
Judge Julius Title, in Superior Court, recognized our right
of appeal, which we did exercise, after he had appointed another
Receiver to take over all properties and assets last Monday, March
It became necessary for us to put our telephone network into
action. How I do thank and praise God for such faithful and loyal
members as He has brought into His Church! As always, you brethren
responded. My personal thanks and gratitude would not be adequate,
but I know GOD through Jesus Christ does THANK YOU, and bless you.
Friday, Judge Title's court accepted the bond signed by
individual members for $2.4 million as surety, in lieu of cash. We
are posting another $1.3 million today.
But the main WAR is not over, and probably may have to be car-
ried to the Supreme Court of the United States.
There is one vital circumstance I think you brethren should
know. Whereas, for several years now we have enjoyed a fine credit
rating, able when necessary to borrow a million dollars on my
signature, that is now GONE! The bank that has financed us for years
totally forsook us when this State lawsuit occurred. At present
we have to pay in cash for everything. We are already in the process
of re-establishing a good credit relationship.
For many years we have had a most happy relationship with the
United California Bank. They have loaned us up to multi-millions
of dollars at one time. Always we have met every obligation. Our
financial record with the bank has been impeccable. Yet, as soon
as they learned, on the morning of January 3rd, that the State had
brought this massive lawsuit, they completely washed their hands
of us.
I will give you a statement from our legal department showing
that we have faithfully and regularly made available to, or filed
with, both State and Federal governments the detailed financial
reports required by law.
LET ME EMPHASIZE that this whole massive lawsuit is NOT a
government action for the purpose of getting to records we have not
voluntarily filed with both State and Federal governments required