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GREAT TRIBULATION--as Matt. 24:21,22 has it: "For then shall be
great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world
to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should
be shortened, there should no flesh be saved [alive]: but for the
elect's sake those days shall be shortened."
Jeremiah 30 is more specific. While it is to be a time of
WORLD TROUBLE such as never before occurred, yet it is PRIMARILY
"the time of JACOB'S TROUBLE."
Now who is "Jacob" in these last days? THANK GOD! He
revealed to me 51 years ago that the so-called "lost ten tribes" of
Israel (of Jacob) had migrated to Western Europe, Britain, and
finally the United States. In Ambassador College from its very
opening day, I had to fight diligently and continually to keep
Christ in and Satan's world out! The so-called "intellectuals of
higher education" constantly sniped away at BASIC TRUTH which God
had revealed to me--on which God's Church for our time is based.
They found three or four little nonimportant errors in the booklet
"The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy" originally
written some 51 years ago. As their tiny nonimportant errors were
brought to my attention, they were eliminated! But finally, my
son, assuming an authority never delegated to him had this most
important booklet cut down to almost nothing, then put out of
circulation entirely! That booklet, or book, is again being
printed--"error-free"--and will be vigorously circulated. That
book had a great deal to do with the very building of the Worldwide
Church of God!
When prophecy tells us this is to be the time of "Jacob's
trouble," that means, primarily, the United States and the British
Now that we are coming down to the very time, it is A
LIFE-AND-DEATH matter to God's Church that we UNDERSTAND!
Now the prophecy says, news from Communist countries will
cause this "beast" power to "go forth with great fury to destroy"
(Dan. 11:44). He will thereby instigate "THE GREAT TRIBULATION."
But whom will he seek to destroy? Jacob! And the dying Jacob in
Egypt, with his hands crossed on Ephraim and Manasseh (Joseph's
sons) said, "let my name (JACOB) be named on them" (Gen. 48:16).
Today they are the U.S. and the British!
Undoubtedly GERMANY will head the new resurrected "Holy Roman
Empire." Who conquered the German armed fist twice--in the two
great world wars? It was Britain with the United States pouring in
the real knockout power! Who will they go forth to DESTROY?
Britain and the United States!
Read the latter portions of the "U.S. in Prophecy" booklet
prophecies, showing that our cities shall be destroyed (Ezek. 6:6).
A third of our populations shall die from disease epidemics caused
by famine, and another third shall be killed by military action and
the remaining third scattered--as slaves to Europe (and probably
some to South America) (Ezek. 5:12).