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the House of Israel"--actually then unknown to the world--having
lost their identity, living in Western Europe (not including Italy,
Spain and Portugal). That is why we find very little in the book
of Acts or New Testament history about Peter, after some few years
following Christ's resurrection and the founding of the Church of
God. That explains why we read more about Paul--who was the chief
apostle to the Gentiles.
But two years after the founding of the Church of God, 31
A.D., a tremendous persecution set in. By about 59 A.D. the
churches in Galatia had turned to another gospel--Christ's gospel
message had been suppressed. The Church had gone virtually
underground--but it survived through all generations. Thousands
were martyred during the "Dark Ages" of the medieval "Holy Roman
But, today, we find a trace of some of the original Christian
faith of Jesus in Britain, Europe, South America, besides the
United States.
In 1933 God raised up a new era of His true Church. It is the
"Philadelphia" era of Rev. 3:7-13, when Christ has "opened the
door" into foreign Gentile nations--which doors had been closed to
Christ's message--so that the message of the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM
OF GOD might, AT LAST, (after nineteen centuries when it was
suppressed) go into those nations. And all this, just before the
GREAT TRIBULATION and the end of this six-thousand-year day of man.
Now, finally, I come to what it is of LIFE-AND-DEATH
importance for you to understand!
Our labors in GOD'S WORK will be ended soon after the
resurrection of the impending United States of Europe!
UNDERSTAND these end-time PROPHECIES! According to Daniel
11:40-45, this revived "Holy Roman Empire", "shall enter into the
glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown."
Then, verse 44, news out of the north-east (Russia and China)
shall worry him--the Communists will be stirring to invade and
destroy Roman Catholic EUROPE! Therefore, this power (U.S. of
Europe) "shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to
make away many. And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace the glorious [land]" (Palestine--Judea--Israel).
Continue Dan. 12:1: "And at that time shall Michael stand up"
(Rev. 12:7), "the great prince which standeth for the children of
thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was
since there was a nation..." (compare Matt. 24:21,22--the Great
Tribulation), then shall soon follow the coming of Christ, the
resurrection of the dead in Christ, and the KINGDOM OF GOD!
Now notice what Jeremiah adds to happen at this precise
juncture: (Jer. 30).
"Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is
even the time of Jacob's trouble" (verse 7). This is the same