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I learned later that the man offering $100,000 cash had come back
with the money one hour after the owner signed our papers, and was
told he was just one hour too late---otherwise his proposition
would have been accepted! The real estate dealer, who originally
told me it would have to be a cash deal, said it was "a miracle,"
and in all her real estate experience she had never heard of any
deal like this. The attorney said the same thing. Yes, even they
could see God had performed a MIRACLE! The small down payment is
in escrow. The papers have been recorded. We are to get
There are many other details about this college, to be
announced later. But we know, now, it is ASSURED. I held off
making this announcement of the college until we had definite
arrangements completed, so we could know definitely it would start,
and when. But you Co-Workers are the first to know. It will be
announced more generally for ALL listeners in the new January PLAIN
TRUTH, with pictures showing the grounds and buildings.
Let me only add here, there will be a very definite
curriculum, of high standards. We had to decide WHAT grades to
teach, since we cannot begin with grammar-grades. There are
reasons I can explain later why we decided to limit this school to
the higher grades comparable to a college or university. Entrance
requirements will be reasonably stiff. We want CAPABLE, ambitious,
Full high-school graduation credits will be required. But students
will not be limited to those in late teens or early twenties.
Those a little older, who have a full high-school education but did
not go on to college, and would like to go back to school and gain
a full and RIGHT education, will be encouraged. Those who want to
come to our college, but have not graduated from high school, will
be advised to first finish high school, and then come to us. I do
not know yet what tuition requirements will be. But to all those
receiving this BULLETIN who want to come to this new, different,
and I think very wonderful school, I advise you to WRITE ME AT
ONCE, and get your application in early, because we plan to start
this school SMALL, as all things God does thru humans must start,
and the first year we will limit it to between 30 and 50 students.
The second year, however, we hope to enlarge it to 100 students.
We can take, later, as many as 250 or 350 students with these
facilities, maybe more.
Now, dear Co-Workers, once assured God was leading in this,
I have gone right ahead without hesitation. But REMEMBER, we are
launched, now, on a MUCH LARGER PROGRAM FOR GOD. Issuing The PLAIN
TRUTH every month this year will add more than $30,000 to our
expenses. And while God opened the way, and gave us this marvelous
place on comparatively low payments, and with no down payment,
except a regular double-payment---an unheard-of real-estate deal on
a property of this value---yet there will be payments to meet.
And in addition to this, the radio stations have all made
large increases in their charges for time this year---our largest
most powerful station almost doubled the charge!