When he heard of it, he instantly said it was PERFECT for the
purpose, and in his judgment it was "Providential"---God had opened
it to us by a miracle. I called the man, who will head the school,
by long distance. He was of the same opinion. I asked him to come
and see it, before I did anything. In two hours he was on a plane,
and four hours later he had flown 1200 miles and was in Los
Angeles. He was far more enthusiastic, when he saw it. At the
same time, I had telephoned for Mrs. Armstrong to come down---as a
matter of fact, the day before. Actually she arrived at the same
time as the man who is the head of the school. Both of them, on
seeing it, felt it was PERFECT for our need, even beyond our
wildest dreams! Mr. Walter Dillon, who is to be our principle,
explained just how it would adapt itself to class-rooms and every
need for the college. The large living room 27 x 30 feet, will be
the library, study, and lounging room. The large state dining room
will be an assembly and class room. The study will be the
principle's office. Upstairs rooms will be class rooms.
Never, Mr. Dillon said, if we lost this place, would we ever
again find another so perfectly adapted to the need. We could
never build anything like it without spending money we shall never
be able to spend. And it so happened that this is the ONLY estate
in Pasadena or all Southern California that is zoned to permit the
establishment of a SCHOOL. How this beautiful, great estate came
to be so zoned, I cannot understand---but it is.
I sought still more advice. I had the two architects who had
worked on designing our school building last summer go over and see
it. One of them is a former professor of architecture at the
University of Southern California, and has had considerable
experience with smaller schools and colleges. Their advise was the
same. The landscaping, alone, they said, would cost over $50,000
---the bare ground, in some other location, would cost another
$50,000. It would cost over another $100,000 today to construct
buildings that would not be as good as these. I sought the advice
of the most conservative bank president in Pasadena, and on his
advice, a judge and attorney whom he recommended. All advised the
same way.
Then, most important of all. I sought the advice of GOD. I
prayed over it and asked for wisdom and guidance. Meantime, we
almost lost the opportunity. Others began to come along and offer
more money---more usual terms. One offered a $35,000 down payment.
Another offered $100,000 spot cash. The doctor who owned it was
certainly being tempted. But I was not willing to make a decision
until I was SURE. Finally, I had to go off for a long walk, alone,
after praying a great deal of the night. And while walking, every-
thing cleared, the doubts I'd had left, and I saw clearly God's
Hand in it, and that He had opened it to us. Still, I wanted to be
even more sure. But by this time these other cash offers had come
along, and it really looked like we had lost our chance. But I
knew if God wanted HIS WORK there, nothing could prevent it, so I
left the final decision entirely with HIM. I had the attorney draw
up papers according to the offer that had been made me. It didn't
look, now, as if the owner would accept. I let the real estate
dealer take these papers, drawn up by my lawyer, and present them
---asking God to give the decision. And, THEY CAME BACK SIGNED!