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IS the Work?
WHOM did God call, choose, and use in starting and
developing the Work?
God called and chose me to proclaim Christ's gospel
MESSAGE of the coming Kingdom of God in all the world -- not
to convert the world now -- but as a WITNESS preparing the way
just before Christ returns to set up that Kingdom.
God did not call me to go into the retail merchandise
business. God did not call me to go into the banking business,
or the insurance business.
The first law of SUCCESS is to have the right GOAL, and
to keep one's eye constantly on the GOAL. Those things were not
the goal that God gave me! The GOAL -- the purpose of the Work
is to proclaim or announce the coming Kingdom of God.
WHY was Ambassador College founded? God did lead me to
found Ambassador College. He did NOT call me to go into the
college or the education business, or any business except God's
Work of going into all the world and PROCLAIMING CHRIST'S GOSPEL
But that Work needed the prayers, the encouragement, the
financial support of GOD'S CHURCH. So God raised up His Church.
WHY? To be the means of giving HIS MESSAGE TO THE WORLD, and
to back the one in the Church God chose and used in proclaiming
And as I started PROCLAIMING the Message by radio, by
print, and personal preaching, God added to the Church. The
Church grew, and I saw the need for training shepherds to feed
the flock, to stand back of the Work. Ambassador College was not
the Work, but it was needed to train ministers and others to back
the Work.
When the Church membership was growing 30 percent a year,
we needed to increase the number of ministers, foreign office
personnel, and those in functions serving the WORK, and God
supplied that need.
The Imperial Schools were not a NEED of the Work. They
were a very fine and beneficial thing for those members whose
children could gain superior education in them. I even seriously
questioned whether we should go ahead with them at their start.
I called a special meeting at that time to discuss this question.
But the growing income at that time seemed to indicate that we
could afford them; members wanted them; and so, we went ahead
with them. Now they have become something we can no longer
afford, and we cannot curtail the WORK in order to keep them
operating. So we closed them.
We have made a change in the format of the Plain Truth.
We have reduced greatly the cost of paper. That is in keeping
with the times, especially since now we give readers more articles,