have satanic help to think up the satanically-false rumors that
they circulate. You never hear good rumors, reportedly spreading
something good about somebody. Ever notice that? Always EVIL,
false, lying rumors intended to HARM, defame, destroy!
But now I want to make one thing clear. For thirty-five
years the operations -- and the income -- of Ambassador College
and the Worldwide Church of God continued to increase at
approximately 30% per year. It must be a record growth unmatched.
I know of no organization, operation, institution or business with
such an amazing record.
The size and scope of our operations doubled every 2 2/3
years approximately. It became 8 times larger in 8 years, 64 times
as large in 16 years, and 4,096 times as large in 32 years. And,
in 35 years it multiplied to approximately 8,192 times as large.
But now, for the past seven years, this increase in income
has slackened off to a very slight increase and inflation has eaten
up most of the increase we have had. In the past year we have been
forced to make some major cutbacks. We have closed the college in
England; we have closed the Imperial Elementary and High Schools;
there have been other cutbacks.
But -- and listen carefully to this -- notwithstanding, the
Work has gone forward as never before. Not one facet of the WORK
-- our Great Commission that God is carrying on through us -- has
been cut back. Just the contrary!
The Living CHRIST is the HEAD of this Work! He has never
forsaken this Work -- and He never will! He continues to guide
and bless it, and the Work continues to grow!
The WORK continues to march forward -- BIGGER AND BIGGER,
more effective than ever!
WHY, then, this apparent paradox?
The Imperial Schools were not the Work.
Some may have thought the Commissary retail store was
the Work. It was merely a special service to our members. Some
wanted these stores all over the country. I closed the store down
two years ago.
Some wanted us to establish a BANK -- go into the banking
business -- and hope that all our members would transfer their
accounts, savings and checking, to our own bank. They wanted us
to go into the insurance business, so that all members might carry
their insurance with the Church's own company. There were other
ideas which I rejected.
Were such enterprises the Work?
Emphatically they were NOT!
I would like at this time to make the facts CLEAR! What