which hath sent me draw him" (John 6:44). The eleventh chapter
of Romans shows that all but a very FEW are now spiritually
BLINDED, unable to see spiritual truth or to receive grace NOW.
"GOD hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should
not see, and ears that they should not hear..." (Romans 11:8).
This is the time when Satan has DECEIVED THE WHOLE WORLD -- all
nations! It is NOT the time when God has tried to SAVE all
nations, but He does want His GOSPEL MESSAGE of the KINGDOM OF GOD
to be proclaimed in all the world, merely as a "WITNESS" unto all
Then WHY are the very FEW called now?
First, WE have been called for the purpose of OUR PART in
"the WORK" -- even if that part is no more than PRAYING earnestly
for it!
And SECOND, we VERY FEW are called now, BEFORE the time of
general salvation, to GROW in grace and the knowledge of Christ.
To OVERCOME, so that there will be a sufficient number MADE
IMMORTAL at Christ's coming. BORN into the God FAMILY and the
KINGDOM OF GOD, to administer the GOVERNMENT OF GOD, over all
nations for the following thousand years.
And God has given us "the WORK" to do as the VERY MEANS
BY WHICH we may grow spiritually, so we may enter His Kingdom at
Christ's coming. In 47 years I have observed that ONLY those
whose hearts are fully IN THE WORK continue to overcome and grow
Through the years, I, with those added for their part in
"the WORK" continued to ANNOUNCE the wonderful NEWS of the coming
Kingdom of God, and all that that Message embodied. Never have
we sought to GET -- but always to GIVE the good news of God's
Yet, as in the days of the first apostles, God has
continually added Co-Workers, and added to His Church. These are
NEEDED to support, inspire, encourage, pray for and make "the
WORK" possible.
Into ALL THE WORLD! -- But I could not go to ALL THE
WORLD at the beginning. Like the things God does with and through
human agents, it had to start small -- the SMALLEST! But like the
grain of mustard seed, which grew -- and grew -- and GREW -- and
G R E W! Opportunity came to start on a radio station of the
smallest power. The United States is not like other nations. Here
I was able to start at the "grass roots" -- reaching the "common
people." But the "common people" in America, are the great
so-called middle class. They would be considered prosperous in
countries like India or China.
In countries all over the world, where the MILLIONS live,
there is the educated RULING class, a small upper class running
the educational and commercial activities. A huge LOWER class,
and a still more huge LOWEST class -- illiterate, poverty stricken
-- many actually and literally STARVING!