But the broadcast, whether by radio or by TV, of itself
is NOT "the Work." It is an instrumentality used in "the WORK."
The PLAIN TRUTH, in itself, is NOT "the Work." It is another
instrumentality USED in "the WORK."
Ambassador College is not "the WORK." It is an
instrumentality USED in "the Work" to train personnel for positions
in "the WORK." The ANNOUNCING of the GOOD NEWS of the coming
KINGDOM OF GOD by whatever means or media IS "the WORK."
We are commissioned to take THE MESSAGE "into all the
The small beginning -- But I could not go to ALL THE WORLD
alone, or at the beginning. Just as the original apostles needed
help and the inspirational backing of the Church, so did I. The
parent church of this era started with some 19 members, but God
ADDED to the Church those He was specially calling for THIS GREAT
COMMISSION. The Church grew, as "the WORK" grew into many
thousands, as it is today.
And, to get "the WORK" done, God set some in the Church:
first, an apostle, then evangelists, then pastors, then other
elders -- preaching and local elders, as it is today -- "for the
work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ"
(Eph. 4:12). But all do not have the same office. "And there
are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there
are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh
all in all" (I Cor. 12:5-6). But "God set the members every one
of them in the body, as it hath pleased him" (I Cor. 12:18).
But we are ALL specially called out of sin, as it were,
BEFORE the time when God sets out to CONVERT THE WORLD, for the
purpose of supporting and backing up "the WORK" with our fervent,
prevailing PRAYERS, our tithes and special offerings, our
influence, encouragement and backing in whatever way.
WHY called NOW? -- Let me, right here, make doubly clear:
1) that this is NOT the time God is trying to "save the world"
spiritually; and 2) WHY a very few of us ARE called NOW.
REALIZE THIS! The Bible gives no record of God offering
spiritual salvation to the world from Adam until the Flood. Abel
is called "righteous Abel." Enoch "walked with God," and Noah was
a just man who also "walked with God." But otherwise, "all flesh
had corrupted his way upon the earth." There is no record of
What about the time between the Flood and Christ? ONLY
prophets and special leaders were given God's Holy Spirit. The
nation of Israel was not offered spiritual salvation! All the
millions and billions of humans up to then will be offered
salvation in the "Great White Throne Judgment."
What about NOW? -- the period from Christ to His SECOND
COMING? Jesus said, "No man can come to me, except the Father