This was due to their selfishness, lack of zeal for the work God
called them to do, and self-centered WAY OF LIFE. Then, verse
12, Zerubbabel, and Joshua, and the people repented and OBEYED
God, and feared God, and WENT TO WORK getting God's job done!
Then said God, "I am with you, saith the Eternal." And
God "stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel, ... and Joshua ... and
the spirit of all the remnant of the people, and they came and
DID WORK ..." at the work God had given them to do.
I am grateful that you, Brethren and Co-Workers, today, do
allow God to stir up your spirits, give you a NEW VISION of the
mighty IMPORTANCE of God's great WORK given us to do, and dedicate
yourselves to it, and to heartrending prayer for it, as those
people did, more than 500 years before Christ! He does say to us,
as God said to those people, "From this day will I BLESS YOU."
(Chapter 2, verse 19.)
Speaking prophetically of OUR DAY, RIGHT NOW, God said:
"Speak to Zerubbabel, saying, I will shake the heavens and the
earth, and I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will
destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will
overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them [kings]..."
(verses 21-22).
So THERE is the prophecy of heads of governments toppling,
today, one after another! That is being fulfilled RIGHT NOW!
Then God continues, "In that day..." meaning our day, now,
at this TIME OF THE END, "saith the ETERNAL of hosts, will I take
thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, ... saith the Eternal, and will
make thee as a signet [as a seal, or stamp of official approval]:
for I have chosen thee, saith the ETERNAL of hosts" (Haggai 2:23).
There will have to be a Zerubbabel of today -- the time actually
here referred to.
Next follows the Book of Zechariah. It, too, picks up the
story of Zerubbabel and Joshua, God's team chosen to lead His
people in building the second Temple at Jerusalem. Yes, even as
Garner Ted and I are God's team, chosen to lead His people in this
greatest END TIME Work!
In the third chapter Zechariah's prophecy comes back to
Joshua the high priest. The prophet's vision sees him clothed
with filthy garments, representing sin, standing before an angel,
with Satan at his right hand to prevent him from doing God's Work.
Then Christ Himself rebuked Satan, freed Joshua from Satan's
power, calling Joshua a brand plucked from the fire. He caused
the filthy garments to be removed and Joshua was clothed with
clean garments -- his sin forgiven, and he restored to
righteousness. Christ said He had caused Joshua's iniquity to pass
from him, and ordered a crown to be set on his head. Then Christ
said to Joshua, "If you will walk in my ways, and keep my charge,
then you shall judge my house."