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a dangerous condition that I may have to quickly make a DECISIVE
But all this sudden toppling of governments over the world
is definitely PROPHESIED! There is such a REMARKABLE PARALLEL
between that prophecy, and what is happening IN GOD'S WORK right
now, I want to take space to go into it a bit.
This Work of God definitely is foretold in Revelation
3:7-13, where it says that because we have but LITTLE strength of
our own, and yet have THE MESSAGE God wants delivered, Christ is
OPENING DOORS -- mighty doors -- doors of TV, radio, the printing
press to reach MASSES -- and doors now for PERSONAL meetings with
presidents, kings, emperors, prime ministers, and others high ln
governments and in colleges and universities! And this leads to
Public Campaigns reaching multiple thousands!
And so, there is the parallel of the ancient Zerubbabel,
Governor over the Jews sent back to build the second great Temple
at Jerusalem, around 515 B.C., seventy years after the destruction
of Solomon's Temple.
This Work goes out, NOT by human might nor power, but, as
God said to Zerubbabel, "Not by might, nor by power, but by MY
SPIRIT, saith the ETERNAL of hosts" (Zech. 4:6). This is GOD'S
Work, and it goes by the supernatural POWER of God's Holy Spirit!
This same prophecy actually begins in the book just ahead
of Zechariah, the Book of Haggai. God had caused King Darius to
order a large contingent of the people of Judah to return to
Jerusalem to build this second Temple. God spoke through the
prophet Haggai to Zerubbabel, governor, and Joshua the high
priest, "This people say, the time is not come, the time that the
ETERNAL'S HOUSE should be built" (Haggai 1:2). God answered, "Is
it time for you, O ye, to dwell in your cieled houses, and this
house [of God] lie waste?"
All the way through Haggai and Zechariah, the local TYPE,
of Zerubbabel and Joshua building God's House, is in reality a
prophecy which actually refers to OUR TIME NOW, and the soon
coming of CHRIST to RULE all nations and bring WORLD PEACE!
There is also a parallel here which might be compared with
the building of our House of God at God's present (temporary)
Headquarters for His Work, in Pasadena, California. Some were
saying, it wasn't the time to build the House for God, who were
living in their own houses. God's House is a "House of Prayer"
as well as, at Pasadena, other college purposes. Never have
God's people so seriously needed one central edifice for the
Church worldwide, to stimulate interest in the Work and INTENSIVE
HEARTRENDING PRAYER as now. Of course the new Ambassador
Auditorium is NOT A TEMPLE! But it IS a house for GOD, and is
dedicated to HIM and His service, and HIS NAME IS ON IT!
God said to those people under Zerubbabel and Joshua, they
were wasting their labor, "sowing much, and bringing in little."