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composition, will reign with Him.
I explained how that will complete the 7,000 years. But,
THEN WHAT? What is our ULTIMATE destiny? I read of man's
ultimate transcendent glory, once real God-like character is
developed in him in this life. I had explained how God is a
FAMILY, into which we may be born, and now in Hebrews 1-2, how
Christ is now very God, sustaining the WHOLE UNIVERSE (explaining
that "all things" means the entire universe) with His POWER. Then,
in Hebrews 2, beginning with verse 6, how God has put the ENTIRE
UNIVERSE under MAN -- but (verse 8) we see not YET the whole
universe under man, but we do see Jesus, having gone on before as
our Leader -- the FIRST-BORN of many brethren (Romans 8:29). I
ended by stating HOW MUCH MORE WONDERFUL is the KNOWLEDGE God
reveals in the Bible than that taught by science, religion or
GOD! The people were ASTONISHED, as in Jesus' day (Matt. 7:28).
After this last sermon, we were dinner guests at the
lovely home of Minister (Mrs.) Lim.
I have taken the time and space to give you a full
synopsis of all three sermons before those many THOUSANDS in the
capitals around the world. For I want you to see and realize that
CHRIST'S GREAT COMMISSION is being effectively fulfilled -- that
what He has commissioned YOU AND ME to do IS GETTING DONE -- and
done effectively -- for the first time in 1850 years and more! I
want the living Christ to be able to say to YOU and me, "WELL DONE,
I wanted you to realize it fully, because this is the
MOST important of the things God's TITHES which you send in are
going for! God has opened the doors. GOD has been IN it -- it
has gone out in HIS POWER!
When I left Pasadena on this trip there were some 900
ministers and deacons, including some wives, attending the LARGEST
AND GREATEST Ministers' Conference since this Work began, assembled
in the new Ambassador Auditorium (The House of God).
I was able to be with them only the first two days. I
had the privilege of starting off the great Conference with the
dedication of God's most beautiful House for His Headquarters'
Church for this present time. It was a most SOLEMN and emotionally
moving occasion. In having to leave for this FIRST great PUBLIC
APPEARANCE campaign, I had to forego the privilege of preaching
the first Sabbath sermon in the new Headquarters Church edifice.
After the first two days of Plenary Sessions, the scores
and scores of ministers went into workshop group sessions, where
all ministers from all over the world had opportunity for their
own INPUT, their own contributions, asking questions, reporting
experiences, etc., etc.
I think that now ALL presently-pending doctrinal
questions have been settled, and all reports from Pasadena say