There were more preliminary ceremonies, with Mrs. Marcos
presenting certain honors to me on the platform, and enthusiastic
speeches from others, before the sermon. I spoke exactly one hour
Friday night, 70 minutes Saturday night, and an hour and 15 minutes
Sunday night. Not a soul was seen leaving until the end.
The final Sunday night I quickly reviewed the STATE OF
THE WORLD, and the number one problem, SURVIVAL of humanity on
earth. Never before was it possible to ERASE ALL HUMAN LIFE from
the earth 50 times over! One H-bomb could destroy all of Manila
(four million people). Again, there had to be a CAUSE for this
alarming condition -- and if we are to have PEACE, something must
cause it. I explained in retrospect how Friday night I showed
how the first humans, Adam and Eve, had rejected KNOWLEDGE REVEALED
FROM GOD, and turned to THE WAY that has caused all the world's
evils. I explained the TWO WAYS OF LIFE -- God's way of LOVE --
the giving, sharing way of outgoing concern, and the GETTING way
of self-centeredness, and rejection of God and His WAY. Then a
quick summary of how GOD'S GOVERNMENT, based on His spiritual Law
of LOVE had once caused HAPPINESS on earth, and the rebellion that
turned the archangel Lucifer into Satan, and his angels into
demons. Then the creation of MAN, and HIS rejection of knowledge
of God, and rebellion against GOD'S WAY. And how the all-important
dimension in KNOWLEDGE has been MISSING since. Then, the fact
MAN is created of MATTER, dust of the ground, but GOD is composed
of SPIRIT. God's PURPOSE for man shown in Genesis 1 -- the
reproduction of Himself! This was startling new knowledge to
nearly all there. His purpose also, through man, to RESTORE THE
GOVERNMENT OF GOD to earth, bringing WORLD PEACE. The seven days
of Genesis 1 and 2, a type of GOD'S PLAN for working out His
Purpose. Adam rejected God's WAY. Then how the second Adam, Jesus
Christ, qualified to RESTORE THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD (the Kingdom of
God) to this earth. I read the Old Testament prophecies of Christ
coming to RULE, setting up the Kingdom of GOD on earth, then in
Luke 1:30-33, how Christ was born to RULE as King. Then the
beginning of Christ's Gospel (Mark 1:1, 14-15), and teaching we may
be BORN OF GOD (John 3:1-8 which I read and explained). This was
NEW to nearly all. How we may be CONVERTED, receiving the
impregnation of God-life (eternal life) by the HOLY SPIRIT from the
very PERSON of God. I read Romans 8:9,11,14,16. I explained HOW
we may receive the Holy Spirit, being begotten as a SON of God
(Acts 2:1-4, 37-38 which I read). I explained how God created all
things BY and through CHRIST (John 1:1-5, Ephesians 3:9) -- He
is our MAKER -- therefore when He gave His life on the cross, by
His shed blood He paid the death penalty for ALL HUMANITY -- for
His life was greater than all He created! Christ ROSE from the
dead, making ETERNAL LIFE possible for us. Christ ascended to the
Father's Throne in heaven. I went through the parable of the
pounds, Luke 19:11-20, 24, showing we who GROW in grace and
knowledge in the Christian life will RULE in God's Kingdom. Then
I quoted Christ's promise, that we shall reign over the nations
with Him, (Revelation 2:26-27; 3:21), and we shall reign with Him
ON THE EARTH (Rev. 5:10). I read of the second-coming of Christ to
RULE ALL NATIONS, RESTORING PEACE -- Revelation 19:6, 11-16. Then
I read of putting Satan away for a thousand years, and the Kingdom
of God ruling a thousand years, Revelation 20:1-6, and how
converted Christians, then resurrected and changed to spirit