titles, rather than ranks. I know the apostle is put first.
I realize the teacher is put last. But I'll tell YOU, sometimes
the teacher or sometimes a pastor can give an apostle something
that he didn't have before, you know. And I think that this
would be important ... However, IF WE turn it around from being
titles, and/or administrations or functions, what people are to
do as far as functions are concerned, and we turn it into rank,
a rank. A rank implies rulership. It implies lordship. It
implies power and authority. Well, to go quite a ways with it,
you know, that's what it implies if you say rank" (emphasis mine).
Notice now! GOD says -- the Holy WORD OF GOD says: "And
GOD set some in the church, first, apostles, secondly prophets,
thirdly teachers ..." That's what GOD says. But this leader of
the theology of the dissenters from God's Church says, "BUT I
THINK it is far better to call these titles, rather than ranks."
He THINKS his way around the GOVERNMENT OF GOD, and the AUTHORITY
which CHRIST has delegated.
GOD SAYS, first, secondly, thirdly. But HE THINKS his way
around GOD'S WORD! Brethren, GOD'S Church dares not handle the
Word of God so carelessly, so deceptively.
Again, he says, "A rank implies rulership. It implies
lordship." Indeed rank, as Christ set it in the Church implies
rulership, and I have quoted several Scriptures above that show
that. But rulership emphatically, as the living Christ taught it,
and wields it Himself today, and as God's Church teaches and wields
it, emphatically DOES NOT imply "lordship."
Who is the HEAD of God's Church? JESUS CHRIST is the Head.
He wields RULERSHIP, and delegates rulership to some of us on
earth, under Him. HE sets us the example in HIS KIND OF RULERSHIP.
It is rulership IN LOVE -- meaning with OUTGOING CONCERN for the
good and welfare of the one ruled under Him. He bears RULE over
me. And I find no harsh "lordship" in it.
Let those who have gone out of God's own Church, because
they have allowed Satan to subtly inject into their minds an
attitude of resentment and rebellion against any authority over
them, tell me where and when I ever exercised any harsh, hostile,
unChristian "lordship" over them. I know that no such attitude
is in my mind or heart.
In the word of the unconverted, those in authority do
exercise lordship over those under them. Christ said it should NOT
be so with us. But He did not in so saying abolish all authority
or rulership. He PUT RULERSHIP in His Church. He DELEGATED
authority. What He was teaching His future apostles, is that we
UNLOVING MANNER as the unconverted in the world.
Let's get this point CLEAR. It's basic. Misunderstanding
at this point has caused some to leave God's Church, and perhaps
even God's salvation and gift of eternal life!
Notice what Jesus taught: "And there was also a strife