Trying to TWIST and DISTORT and PERVERT the holy Word of
God by representing that Paul was trying to show that the right
hand cannot talk to and order the left hand to do its bidding is
utterly ridiculous, and should deceive nobody. Obviously, the
right hand can't TALK, and God's Church has never represented
that it can.
The man's human head is what directs the hand, the foot,
the ear, and all the members of that one body. And the Head of
every MAN is CHRIST, and the Head of Christ is GOD (the Father)
-- (I Cor. 11:3).
So here is what we REALLY have: God the Father at the
top. Under Him, Christ. Under Christ, the human head, and under
the head, all the organs of the body which obey the human head.
A significant portion of the human brain is devoted to
the COORDINATION of all the various parts of the body. This
enables the hundreds of muscles in the human body to function
together in total unity of purpose. Otherwise, each one of these
muscles would be doing its own separate thing, and the body could
not function. For example, the cerebellum, a component in the
human brain about the size of a small orange, primarily functions
as a center for coordination. When the cerebellum is damaged
(whether by disease or trauma), the person is severely disabled --
even though each muscle can be directed by the brain and each
muscle itself is functioning properly -- because the coordination
of the muscles is impaired. This coordination function totally
destroys the dissenters' concept that the two arms are independent
of one another, but only report to the head. I grant that fact,
but the head, to be the head, must coordinate them so they are
working in perfect alignment and unity.
Now WHAT is this chapter (I Corinthians 12) showing? That
the Church is ONE -- and ONE ONLY -- and has many members. That
there are different Administrations and different operations
(verses 5-6). That there are different spiritual GIFTS (but ONE
SPIRIT -- verses 4, 7-11). Christ is the Head of the Church,
called "the Body of Christ," having many members for many
functions. To show many functions, it is compared to the human
body (verses 12-26). Then, we read of the respective offices in
rank (verses 27-30).
So, as to RANK of offices of executive administration, and
operational functions, "And GOD hath set some in the church, first
apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that
miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities
of tongues (languages)" (I Cor. 12:28).
That is the rank in which GOD set them. Now I want to
show you how the "scholar of Biblical research" for the dissenters
ranks them. I quote directly from a transcript of a sermon, tapes
of which have been distributed to as many members as possible, on
this point:
"Now, brethren, I think it is far better to call these